Example sentences of "[adj] and [adv] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In particular , the research should seek to develop theories about the process of ageing and particularly about the management of age-related transition such as exists from the labour market .
2 He argued that the bread and wine somehow coexisted with the body and blood , and more importantly that the miracle occurred because of the presence of the faithful and not as a result of the magical powers of the priest .
3 The petals of the flowers had dropped , and spilled brown and carelessly over the floor .
4 Backpackers need to keep the weight high and close to the back , but ski-mountaineers and climbers need the weight to be kept lower to increase stability , although weighty things should be kept close to the back .
5 As the right leg is lifted on the turn , it should remain high and close to the body .
6 Mrs said that quote , when the time comes that Mr and Mrs are unable to provide all or any of the care themselves , I consider that it would be appropriate to employ carers direct and not via an agency .
7 The inedibility of the early land plants to animals and , apparently , fungi led to the great Coal Measures of the Carboniferous and thus to the fuel of the Industrial Revolution and thence the technology for the destruction of those forests ' successors .
8 Rodriguez was still struggling and out of the corner of my eye I could see the patron watching us uneasily .
9 Suddenly its noise was distinct and loud like a tractor coming over the western horizon .
10 He added that he would be speaking only as an individual and not as a representative of the Chief Police Officers Association .
11 For several days previously this was how it had been : hot and breezy during the day , warm and still through the night .
12 It is also useful to undertake a survey of the existing stock of dwellings both overall and currently on the market , together with a detailed appraisal of the other developments in progress and their respective sale prices .
13 The sky sort of turns grey and then whitey-blue and then in the end it 's daytime and it 's all sunny .
14 They are fun , outrageous , extravagant and even over the top !
15 It was difficult to imagine she had bought the dress on purpose , had one fine day long past gone into a shop and tried on dress after dress and , finally , taking this grey and unbecoming tube of cloth from a rack laden with many-coloured garments , slipped it over her head , examined herself fore and aft in the changing cubicle mirror , smiled with pleasure , clapped her hands in approval and said to herself : ‘ This is lovely , this is the very thing , ’ while a curled , perfumed salesgirl hovered , saying : ‘ But it 's perfectly you , madam . ’
16 In any event , the character of strictures differs dramatically between those occurring early and late in the course of the colitis .
17 As he dropped this cynical confession he looked straight and hard at the candidate for the honour of taking his education in hand ( 5 ) .
18 It is more helpful to meet real people who have come to terms with their lives , than to wander around lost and alone in a maze of fantasies .
19 With reinstatement forming a continuous process disturbance to agriculture would be minimal and apart from the quarry face being worked there would be little to spoil the view either .
20 Since most older people who have a drink problem tend to be lonely , retired and out of the mainstream of social life , some form of social group support may be helpful .
21 This was a man entirely under the sway of the Eternal and not of the material .
22 Go right and push the crate onto the button , go up on the lift and to the left , push the crate off the edge of the platform , go up on the lift and right , climb up six platforms and push the crate left , fall left and duck down to go along the conveyor belt , jump onto the ledges on the wall and go up , go right , up , left , up , push the crate right , fall down , push the crate right into the button , go right and duck down to go along the conveyor belt , drop down to the stationary lift , go left then up , push the crate down , right , right , left , right and right onto the button .
23 Once through it bear slightly right and uphill to a kissing gate and a lane where you turn right .
24 The screens should be removed from the reception desk to make it more friendly and less like a bank .
25 Bright intervals are possible and apart from the chance of a light shower it should stay dry milder than of late with a top temperature of eleven celsius fifty two fahrenheit in a moderate south easterly wind .
26 So today , a modern hospital ward for the care of the elderly aims to treat and rehabilitate patients — to get them back on their feet if possible and out of the ward , encouraging them to live their lives as they want to .
27 And the whole process is made as simultaneously agonising and amazing as it could be — you labour to give birth , that 's the right word all right , and it 's about as ghastly as possible and then at the end there 's this absolutely wonderful feeling , that the conspiracy has never hinted at , when you hold it and see it and you suddenly realise there 's a whole new emotion you did n't know anything about .
28 Fitness requirements have altered dramatically in the last five years and the recent law changes make it even more imperative that players be fitter , more mobile and faster around the pitch .
29 You 're feeling very languid and lazy and not in the mood for ‘ keeping house ’ and barking at all-comers .
30 It may seem ironic to onlookers that the very parents who have been complaining loud and long about the difficulty of sharing their home with impossible teenage children , should be lamenting the fact that they 've left , only a few months later .
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