Example sentences of "[adj] and [verb] [pers pn] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I have no idea how I was , although Jack and my relieved director assured me that the audience had just been coolly first-nightish and we , the cast , had stayed calm and thawed them into real pleasure and ultimate Rejoycing .
2 I put off going to the doctor but I wish I had n't because my GP immediately knew what was wrong and told me about carpal tunnel syndrome .
3 But one can not help thinking that a far greater contribution to the preservation of the World 's rain forests would be made if companies could be persuaded to make their annual brochures less glossy and to print them on re-cycled paper .
4 The potential for disaster lurks very close behind the bright shiny facade waiting to pounce on the unwary and relieve them of substantial sums of money .
5 Part of the cuff was visible and reminded him of Middy sleeping under the quilt .
6 Female sexuality and reproduction were seen particularly as representative of the mortality that separates us from the eternal and binds us to temporal corruptible life .
7 Mr Budgen said : ‘ The Government 's actions have been disgraceful , describing Maastricht as an issue of confidence in private and denying it in public .
8 He was a bright boy , good at his lessons , but she told him that cleverness was only a virtue if you worked hard and used it to good purpose .
9 Avoiding Richard , who got to his feet as soon as he saw something to be carried , she kicked open the top of the Arctic and flung them in golden handfuls onto the glowing bed of fuel .
10 When the time is right Shamans pick the special fungus and make the vile brew which sends the Fanatics crazy and turns them into uncontrolled whirling maniacs .
11 Can you walk into your home or work-space and see it with new eyes ?
12 He dragged the 18-year-old girl to a nearby common and forced her into humiliating sex acts for more than an hour while the three-month-old baby she had been caring for lay alone in the house .
13 He argues that the traditional forms of representative government , which effectively excluded the popular masses or isolated and controlled them through local notables , is ‘ no longer an adequate instrument ’ .
14 I , I 'm going to have to have more than one meeting and let people , say you 've got to come to one or the other and have them at different times during the week .
15 The accused also deny charges of conspiring to cause an explosion , having the bomb with intent and possessing it in suspicious circumstances .
16 When the flowers had been made , she dyed them yellow , pink , orange and scarlet and mounted them among evergreen twigs of laurel .
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