Example sentences of "[adj] and [verb] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She was anxious , for no such thing has ever happened to her before , her memory was always clear and rounded as a bell-note and utterly reliable .
2 The input to a program should be clear and kept to a minimum ; the output on the screen should be clear and presented at a sensible speed ; and any ‘ special ’ or complex computer procedures should appear to the user as ordinary and easy to use .
3 The moon had set , but the sky was clear and lit by a sprinkling of stars .
4 Lucien , keeping close behind , noticed that Tavalouze 's robe was a little stained , and his hair was as unshaped and straggling as a beggar 's .
5 The data stored and manipulated within a GIS are of two specific kinds .
6 The house committee met weekly and dealt with a variety of matters .
7 That temper was raised higher still when he was finally allowed through and found Matchsticks already waiting , idly smoking and flicking through a copy of Lui .
8 Mr John Cleese , the icon , has revealed that when his mother dies he intends to ‘ have her stuffed and put in a glass case in his front hall . ’
9 Who stayed upstairs I never did find out , but the house is now well and truly Yuppified and owned by a couple of actresses from good families .
10 If an operation went wrong and resulted in a scandal because one of their agents had been caught in the act there was no one in Russia who would criticise .
11 This castle , built c. 1130 , is of stone and is about 125 feet high and based on a plan 70 feet square .
12 They were hand in hand , about a yard apart , swinging their joined hands high and indulging in a tug-of-war every time they encountered a lamp-post or a tree .
13 I am thirteen years old and go to a girls ' school , predominantly working class , at the Elephant and Castle , London .
14 One hundred and ten people infected with HIV reported 119 children , of whom 60 were dependent — that is , less than 16 years old and living with a parent .
15 After all , it is about the conservation of the old and founded on a suspicion of the new .
16 As Derek Brown of Birchfield , who at 13 years old and speculating on a career in athletics , spending two evenings and a Sunday morning training , said : ‘ I do n't let it bother my school work 'cause I can get it all done in my other time , but this [ athletics ] is what I 'd really like to do ; I keep setting myself goals every year to get to the top . ’
17 Fast , quick-witted and determined as a player , demanding and insistent as a manager , there was little doubt that he would snatch his career back from the brink of failure .
18 Thankfully , though , there still remained one stark difference between the two men ; because where Luther had a cruel and vicious streak in his character , David was a gentle soul , generous and accommodating to a fault .
19 And anytime they got in a fix , they called on the children to lift paper masks ( given out free and serving as a programme on the reverse ) to their faces and give a special Care Bear Stare at the stage to overcome Coldheart 's evil intent .
20 We would rather be free and live in a mess .
21 I must be free and stand as a Conservative ; I could not serve under L.G. again .
22 There is a tax difference as between private investors buying such gilts direct and buying via a fund , such as ours , in that the former strategy is exempt from capital gains tax .
23 He focused again on the patterns made by damp and mould on a patch of distempered mortar level with his eyes — a piece of coastline seen from a hill , headlands enclosing a bay with a wide curve .
24 She would lie for hours — days even , for she had lost all interest in time — in an abstraction of pain , her bruised mind slipping and struggling and relapsing into a slough .
25 Its symbolism may or may not be universal for all mankind , or for all within one culture , but enough dream material is common for others to be interested and gripped by a person who recounts his dreams .
26 For the remaining junctions the transitions will be staggered and result in a B II phosphate facing a B I phosphate .
27 And , like a little child , he stopped being careful and tense for a moment and said what was in his head , quite simply .
28 Deep , pulsing , mind-boggling and overlaid with a cloak of dark and haunting atmospherics , Voov come at you like an express train on Uptime .
29 It would combine a broad measure of central planning with a great deal of autonomy for individual enterprises , which would be self-financing and interconnected through a market .
30 The second , profession of faith , would , as now , be public and preceded by a course of instruction .
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