Example sentences of "[adj] to the [noun sg] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 She soon became absorbed , oblivious to the passage of time , and was startled when she was politely informed that the doors would shortly be closed for the midday break .
2 He sat staring before him , seeing nothing but a long line of Mortimers , inexhaustible and prolific to the end of time .
3 Now the energy L(T) received per unit time contains a factor due to the increase in time interval between photons and another factor due to their red shift .
4 Mr Peter Goldsmith , QC , for Mr Foecke , submitted that it was now too late for Mr Foecke to have a fair trial due to the passage of time .
5 If embryos of developmental ages different from these are required , the necessary deviation from this injection regime will produce a more asynchronous population due to the spread in time during which ovulation and fertilization will occur .
6 I did n't know at that time what the content of the exhibition was because Sarah who organised it all had to write to lots of people and arrange the loans and you know it is fairly recently that we discovered for example the tate would lend , their pictures because its very rare that they do , erm , and , so we thought the next best thing , when I discovered the change of dates would be to have slides of the pictures that Sue was using , but erm oh dear then wonderful that Sue was using a another book and this term allocated and I was n't able to get the slides she picked , it was my fault that they 're not on slide due to the amount of time that we had to do this .
7 The is partly due to the length of time such illumination takes — there Books of Hours were never conceived as ephemera — and partly because calligraphers today are not seeking to satisfy 15th century tastes .
8 No comment need be made relative to the length of time taken for certain actions to be raised .
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