Example sentences of "[adj] of [art] [noun pl] ' [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He was apprenticed 2 December 1712 to Samuel Wastell , a London goldsmith , and made free of the Goldsmiths ' Company by service on 16 June 1720 .
2 William became free of the Masons ' Company in 1663 .
3 They had two sons , Thomas , who died at Leghorn , and Edward ( c .1681–1734 ) , who carried on the family business , becoming free of the Masons ' Company in 1702 and master in 1719 .
4 He served an apprenticeship with the London bookseller Abel Roper from 1 August 1644 until 28 June 1652 , when he became free of the Stationers ' Company .
5 Daniel became free of the Haberdashers ' Company in 1632 , and apprenticed Samuel to the same trade in 1634 .
6 At the expiry of his term he became free of the Clothworkers ' Company on 7 August 1771 .
7 There were 37 attempted and full burglaries and once more hi-fi and electrical equipment has been top of the burglars ' list .
8 the title ‘ Transavantgarde ’ is representative of the artists ' intention to transcend the ‘ old Modern movement ’ as well as what they perceived as tralatitious concepts of avant-gardism. 2
9 An introductory placard , for example , tries to distance the gallery from a transcendent notion of history by stressing that exhibits are the product of selection and choice , and therefore representative of the organisors ' views .
10 Neither was it within the second type of loss above , because the sellers were unaware of the buyers ' chance of obtaining those lucrative contracts .
11 They were treated like children , not young adults and the 11 p.m. rule imposed on the Beida students without consultation was symptomatic of the authorities ' attitude towards them .
12 Aft of the pilots ' cockpit was an officers ward room , navigator 's table , two bunks and , further aft again , engineer 's station , wireless operator 's position , bunks for the crew and a baggage compartment .
13 I could ask for a trial , but I was not confident of the judges ' honesty .
14 The enquiry service is the most important of the clearinghouses ' information dissemination methods and all the national clearinghouses operate one .
15 Letters or articles advocating a switch to political pluralism ‘ would be an act against socialism , ’ according to Mr Tran Cong Man , Deputy Secretary General of the Journalists ' Association .
16 He gave a dinner to Lord Palmerston and others at which he put the bailiffs , who were in possession of his house , in livery , and had them officiate as waiters — reminiscent of the bailiffs ' scene in The God-Natured Man .
17 In scenes reminiscent of the miners ' strike a decade ago , one policewoman was injured and 14 people were arrested .
18 It was critical of the judges ' decision to award only one prize to each competitor , and pointed out that there was nothing in the conditions which debarred the same competitor from receiving prizes in more than one of the three parts of the competition .
19 However , Paletz and his colleagues remain critical of the journalists ' over-reliance on official sources of information about the riot ( i.e. the mayor and chief of police ) which helped to frame the event as the successful police suppression of a naked spree of lawlessness .
20 As a mark of respect , Edouard Balladur , the new prime minister , postponed a report critical of the Socialists ' term in office .
21 He had constantly called for reductions in the burdens of taxation on both corporations and individuals and regularly denounced the federal government for being too big , too meddlesome and too wasteful of the taxpayers ' money .
22 Many large rocks you 'll come across will be the remnants of one or other of the giants ' squabbles .
23 During the litigation orders were made for certain of the defendants ' costs to be taxed on a standard basis .
24 And if the scientists felt that they could speak with certainty , how much more so the lesser publicists and ideologists who were all the more certain of the experts ' certainties , because they could understand most of what the experts said , at least in so far as it could still be said without the use of higher mathematics .
25 You could say that , somehow , he made the most convincing of the would-be-leaders ' speeches .
26 He is admiring of the soldiers ' courage but not persuaded by their beliefs : training people to sacrifice themselves produces not altruism but a fascinated following of others to death not so much to help but merely to follow ( p. 88 ) .
27 Stroud District Council says it 's aware of the shopkeepers ' problems , but it must consider the conservation aspect .
28 Franco was fully aware of the monarchists ' discontent .
29 They 're afraid of their fears and they feel that by talking about it the children will actually have more problems , so children , being very aware of the adults ' fears , will not talk .
30 and all these teams have to be aware of the others ' needs .
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