Example sentences of "[adj] woman who [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 They quoted the old woman who announced outside the Old Bailey that ‘ he got what he deserved ’ .
2 Can you wonder that Virginia , the Elf Second , used to put her head down , keep her eyes fixed straight in front of her , and pedal as hard as she could past Wardle Wood and the old woman who lived in the cottage in the middle of it .
3 ‘ The old woman who lived in the hills , ’ Constance cried in delight .
4 It was a heavy fall and Rain 's first thought was for the nervous old woman who lived in the flat below .
5 ‘ But one morning , the old woman who worked in the house began to talk about Arthur .
6 For instance , in British women who married before the age of 20 , the proportion of marriages that ended in divorce has been approximately double that of the marriages of women who married between 20 and 24 ( Office of Population Censuses and Surveys , 1978 ) .
7 These tended to be white , middle-class academic English women who expounded on the latest dogmas of feminist political theory with a vigour reminiscent of evangelism .
8 As the soup plates were removed by a white-overalled woman who appeared from the kitchen , the person on Harry 's other side stirred and turned her head towards him .
9 As the story of a white woman who rides into the Mexican mountains to be sacrificed , naked and unprotesting , to the god of the Indians in order to maintain for them ‘ The mastery that man must hold , and that passes from race to race ’ , this piece , particularly when contrasted with Sweeney Agonistes , makes clear the essential difference between Eliot 's interest in the savage and that of Lawrence .
10 With the adulterous woman who came to the village well to draw water , he spoke first of the water and then of the men in her life .
11 The spark of poetry was kindled in him by an elderly woman who lived with the family and was full of tales of witches and warlocks .
12 It recognises that the Church 's media centre has an important part to play in training and encouraging women who work in the media , and it is considering inviting women to take part in its forthcoming Media Commission meetings .
13 Sophie was a small frail woman who moved about the lounge as silently as a cat , greeting everyone in whispered French .
14 Stendhal immortalized the city in La Chartreuse de Parme , describing the beautiful women who walked in the streets as Madonnas who had just emerged from the paintings of Correggio and Parmigianino .
15 Another caring woman who died in the disaster was doctor 's daughter Deborah Leon , from South Gosforth , Newcastle upon Tyne .
16 In common with Butler and Florence Nightingale , illness related to the strain experienced by middle-class women who moved into the public sphere .
17 Captain Delvert , appraising in April 1916 the crowds of gorgeous well-dressed women who promenaded in the Bois de Boulogne on the arms of their escorts , was reminded of
18 Carrie 's only problem was the other woman who worked in the dining rooms .
19 It was Justine , the young woman who looked after the children and who was like a sister to us .
20 A sense of alarm prompted her to knock again , more loudly , and this time the door was thrust open by an elegant though plainly dressed young woman who winced at the sound of breaking glass , coming from somewhere behind her .
21 Even more bitter were the attacks on the behaviour of the demi-mondaines who did not hesitate to parade ‘ the profits of their vice ’ in front of decent folk and whose example , so it was said , influenced young women of good society : ‘ Among young women who count amongst the best bred and the best brought up , there are those who do not hesitate to copy the manners and behaviour of girls of easy virtue . ’
22 They thought we misused the system when actually it was expensive in the first place and faulty , " said a middle-aged woman who lives on the estate .
23 The rags were bits of clothing of childless women who came to the shrine to pray for fertility .
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