Example sentences of "[adj] as [pers pn] [verb] [prep] first " in BNC.

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1 The interpretation of this measure of consistency is not as straightforward as it seems at first sight .
2 The style of the figures is manifestly provincial and need not be so early as it looks at first glance , but it can hardly be after the mid century .
3 The wound was not as serious as it had at first seemed , but the bone was broken .
4 However , things are not as simple as they seemed at first .
5 Within days it was obvious that the extent of the dissolution was every bit as great as I had at first suspected .
6 Once the field-worker was categorized as conforming to their typification of a ‘ good ’ Catholic ( the meaning of which we will outline elsewhere ) , then her religion was no longer as important as it appears at first sight , although the extent to which it had a residual effect is impossible to estimate .
7 Given the fact that much of the property in the western half of the country was sub-let to under-tenants at rack rents , it is doubtful whether regional differences were as pronounced as they appear at first sight .
8 This research evidence seems contrary to common sense , but such findings are not as incomprehensible as they look at first sight .
9 As Richards has recently indicated , the Cox survey and the longitudinal study are not as mutually supportive as they seem at first sight .
10 But even this is not as extensive as it appears at first sight for , in conducting an investigation on a complaint , the Tribunal must apply ‘ the principles applicable by a court on an application for judicial review ’ .
11 ‘ Not as bad as it looked on first assessment .
12 It can therefore be seen that these inducements are not quite as attractive as they seem at first sight .
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