Example sentences of "[adj] that [pron] be [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 As experimenters came under pressure to test their laboratory theories in the forests themselves , it became increasingly clear that whatever was killing the forests , it was not a single known pollutant .
2 Slowing down , she listened in case they were in the middle of a talk too personal to be interrupted ; but it soon became clear that they were discussing the house and the various improvements that might be made once Europe had reached some kind of normality again .
3 It was clear that he was dismissing the subject .
4 ‘ It 's clear that you 're finding the strain of an illicit relationship hard going .
5 But it seems clear that I was diverting the feeling of cold , which pertains to the body , away from the physical and into the psychological realm , where alone I believed myself to exist .
6 If a bank is not recognized , it can not use the word ‘ bank ’ in its title ( unless it is an overseas bank operating in the UK and it is made clear that it is using the title ‘ bank ’ because it is entitled to do so in its country of origin ) .
7 Although many local authorities in their strategy documents state that they aim first at rehabilitation , I remain unconvinced that they are devoting the same resources in terms of skilled social workers with small caseloads and adequate financial support to natural families , as they do to finding and supporting new families .
8 Two days after we made it public that we are suing the head of the national and military police , we got bomb threats against our building .
9 In retrospect , it now seems odd that they were considered the ultimate heavy metal band .
10 In retrospect , it now seems odd that they were considered the ultimate heavy metal band .
11 ‘ Shee-it , ’ I said , and felt guilty that I was leaving the island without sharing the chicken dinner that Sarah Straker was doubtless cooking for me at that very moment .
12 Elsewhere , in the Danube province of Upper Moesia , stratores were to be found supervising road stations at both Nis ( Naissus ) and Cuprija ( Horreum Margi ) , and it is not impossible that they were doing the same in Britain .
13 Police are delighted that they 're winning the battle against the criminals .
14 In 1989 , therefore , Neil Kinnock made it explicit that he was rejecting the unilateralist approach of his youth .
15 Alternatively it may be that you hanker after some lost love and are therefore convinced that we are doing the same , when in most cases nothing could be further from the truth .
16 I 'm sure anyone looking at you now would be convinced that we 're telling the truth .
17 Donna was convinced that he was investigating The Hell Fire Club or some organisation like it .
18 Mr Connor said it was unfair that she be refused the help now being offered to others .
19 When the hon. Member for Newham , North-East and I were buying one or two shirts in Sri Lanka , we must have been conscious that we were supporting the industry of the developing world , and rightly so .
20 Others , conscious that they were eating the equivalent of a diamond brooch or a sapphire pendant , sat down to a last giddy meal eating before the Collector could get his hands on it , all at once , what they had hoarded for weeks .
21 Those teachers who worked in such a way were conscious that they were shifting the focus from schooling to learning .
22 Obviously we do n't want to see the club die but Flashman 's latest antics are so disgraceful that we are nearing the stage where we call in the DTI .
23 Wishful thinking apart , it 's more likely that he 's making the most of a nice soft bed and reasonable food , ’ said Marcus , trying to find a creative way out of the check Pete had put him in .
24 Despite a decent map it had become obvious that we were approaching the high ridge of the mountains .
25 Certainly some of the productions that we are responsible for , as I have said , are controversial , and some of the public might not really want them and might dispute their validity , but I think what it is an indication of is the fact that people are short of money and have to make quite sure that they are getting the best value for what they are paying for and they ca n't afford to go to the theatre as regularly as they might have done in the past .
26 As Pesticides adviser , can you help me to rationalise the situation and make sure that we are making the most efficient use of our limited resources .
27 How can you be sure that you 're providing the right environment for your fish ?
28 With Kenco Ground Coffee you can be sure that you are getting the best , because since it was established in 1922 , Kenco has acquired a long-established history as traditional coffee makers .
29 Make sure that you are swinging the clubhead from in-to-out .
30 I wanted to be sure that I was doing the right thing and would n't regret it .
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