Example sentences of "[adj] and [noun sg] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 No , I was thinking about feeling heavy when you got to the bottom of that drop and started going up again — and feeling light and floaty at the top . ’
2 As to the available sounds on the Sunburst , they are in general quite warm and bluesy at the bridge end , with a nice smooth and mellow effect when the neck humbucker enters the picture .
3 There would be no difficulty in principle both in improving the theory tests and in extending both them and the practical tests so as to include , for example , score-reading and harmonization at the keyboard , aspects of the university courses in music which many students now find very difficult indeed .
4 Bill long and curved in ibises , straight and spoon-shaped at the tip in spoonbills .
5 Would I be tough and wise-cracking at the end , or would they have to drag me screaming through the last door like a jelly-livered rat ?
6 It is they who make possible the " naive " Homeric identification with living and pain at the idea of death .
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