Example sentences of "[adj] to [art] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Again , if we are faithful to the terms of the story , we will refrain from any attempt to provide rational explanations of these events .
2 The reasons for the centre 's heed fur taxes like the prodnalog and many others had not been made clear to the villagers by the party cell .
3 Pearson used these years to provide himself with an artistic education , listening to music , reading widely , and growing increasingly responsive to the beauties of the English countryside .
4 ( 5 ) Because of the interdependence of process and content , the curriculum developments to be favoured are those which synchronise changes in focus with changes in activities and are responsive to the effects of the interplay between them .
5 However , in the terms of the theory of the capitalist global system elaborated here , apart from those directly or indirectly responsive to the interests of the TNCs as expressed by the transnational capitalist class , their transnational practices are dis ’ tinctly marginal .
6 If a system of government is , in the long term to continue to enjoy the broad acquiescence on which , in a democratic society , it stands , it must be sufficiently responsive to the voices of the governed and this is most effectively ensured by the constitution 's providing for the regulation of social affairs at the lowest and most immediate level possible .
7 However , the increase in legislation and in consumer power have altered the balance so that schools , if they are to survive and be effective , must be sensitive and responsive to the demands of the external environment .
8 These moves have had some success and adult education is probably now more open , more flexible and more responsive to the needs of the whole community than it was then .
9 The aim of these and other schemes is to provide flexible cost-effective services responsive to the needs of the frail elderly and designed to keep them as long as possible in their own homes rather than an institutional environment .
10 The challenge now is to make local government services competitive , cost effective and responsive to the needs of the community by applying modern management skills .
11 The Bar Services Committee and its Information Technology Sub-Committee aims to be responsive to the needs of the profession , and members of the Bar who have suggestions for its future work are encouraged to write to the Secretary with particular proposals .
12 Public dissemination and broadcast of good practice in schools , an intention of the QAU is necessary to justly portray teaching as a responsible profession , responsive to the needs of the community .
13 For someone whose nature was supposed to be grasping , Nicholas was remarkably generous to the Turks at the peacemaking .
14 Now that the necessity of continuing the line to the Cambrian is manifest to the promoters of the rest of the line , the town and neighbourhood of Bishop 's Castle , which took no notice of the question at first , has , not unnaturally perhaps , been left wholly out of consideration in the matter .
15 Day after day she could be seen sitting cross-legged on the carpet in front of her house , a pair of silver-rimmed spectacles perched across her mask , a copy of the Qur'an or a book of the Hadith on her lap , oblivious to the movements of the household .
16 They faced each other , their breath coming in gasps , while , oblivious to the humans on the patio , two hummingbirds whistled as they nestled together in the branches of a scarlet hibiscus .
17 Our Association is in the business of urging people to WANT a better rail service : too many are of the opinion that a rail network is superfluous to the needs of the people of rural Wales .
18 Gramsci argued , like Banfield did some thirty years later , with a direct political aim , but in Gramsci 's case the problem was to develop a political strategy for the Communists adequate to the conditions in the rural , clerical-dominated and agricultural south , as well as to the conditions in the much more urban , secular and industrialised north of Italy .
19 Luke had moved into the rug-strewn entrance hall while she was still trying to summon a mood adequate to the demands of the situation , and now he was closing the door .
20 The rasping and clanking was most unpleasant to the ears of the humans .
21 Some ways in which the nobility profited from war were more acceptable to the mores of the age than others , some more or less guaranteed reward , while others gave opportunity to gamble for high profits .
22 But ultimately we shall have to face the facts about whether or not whaling is acceptable to the peoples of the world or not .
23 Thus the Treasury faced little opposition to its policies on the basis that the sterling area was in any way harmful to the interests of the colonies .
24 Escalation of Western military pressure , he said , " risks turning this exclusion zone into an explosion zone … harmful to the interests of the West and the Arab world " .
25 Furthermore , the system also came under attack as being unfair — hence undermining consent by calling into doubt the legitimacy of both the mode of election and the government produced by it — and for facilitating the adversary relationship between the parties , a relationship that significantly influenced public policy , but did so in a manner harmful to the interests of the country .
26 To tend the rice shoots all wore broad , mollusk-shaped hats and identical trousers and tunics of black cloth that made men and women indistinguishable to the eyes of the Americans in the car .
27 Many of her friends had stepparents , and few of them were happy about it : in their rambling and interminable discussions they would deplore the stupidity and selfishness of their elders in introducing into their homes strangers who were not of their blood and who insisted on peculiar foodstuffs and liked or disliked various types of music — whichever was most inconvenient and painful to the children of the house .
28 It has published a booklet , called New Arrivals — A Guide to Non-religious Naming Ceremonies , which gives five alternatives , ranging from the personal to something similar to the vows in the Christian ceremony but without reference to a deity .
29 sounds similar to the sounds in the mother tongue
30 The differences between the perfusion fluid concentrations of the components in the patients and those in the controls were similar to the differences in the appearance rates ( Table ) .
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