Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] what [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 JEWKES is interested to know what happens in the bedroom .
2 Miss Pollard — also a TV fashion commentator at events like Royal Ascot — added : ‘ While the Sunday Express has no wish for a dispute with Buckingham Palace we do not believe it would be proper to publish what amounts to a correction . ’
3 Beyond a certain stage it becomes pointless to indicate what went into the landscape of ‘ The Hollow Men ’ .
4 The tree itself is beautiful but the combination of the clay soil and the shade from the tree means its not easy to know what to grow in the west-facing border underneath .
5 His tone sounded genuine , but Loretta was quick to spot what looked like an inconsistency .
6 It was all very well to have what appeared on the X-ray cut out , but no one had yet looked inside me .
7 With this in mind , there is a project at one site in the Cotswolds where a population of badgers known to be infected with bovine TB is being left alone to see what happens to the badgers and also to herds of cattle in the area .
8 I think , I think it 's important to remember what said about the body .
9 They are : ( 1 ) the relationship between psychology and biology and the possibility of dispensing with psychology altogether once physiology has been developed sufficiently ; ( 2 ) the value of studies on non-human species ; ( 3 ) the degree of functional specialization in the sub-areas of the brain and the ways of analysing and describing those functions ; ( 4 ) the way we are responding to the challenges of cognitive psychology ; and ( 5 ) the importance of being able to explain what happens in the real world , rather than just the laboratory .
10 It was n't as if she had searched for it , determined to see what lay behind the forever locked door .
11 When confronted with a small garden for the first time , its often difficult to know what to do for the best .
12 It was extremely difficult to know what to do with a giant who loped along at your side and who could reach out and pluck you from your horse 's back with one hand .
13 It is hardly difficult to guess what happened at the Downes 's residence immediately after the death of Kemp .
14 If we are to learn from an experience it is vital to review what happened during the experience .
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