Example sentences of "[adj] [subord] [adv] [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Act is perhaps not so clear where only the claimant with a possessory title is before the court , for example , because the true owner does not appear or can not be found .
2 They were afraid because elsewhere a group of armed cossacks had besieged the ship , threatening to kill anyone who disembarked .
3 Presumably stray magnetic fields will not be that high as otherwise the efficiency of the motors would be low .
4 An account of professional courses — at least with respect to PGCE — is in principle just as complex because even the advent of accreditation has not enforced uniformity .
5 All this simply reinforces my earlier point that not only must the field anthropologist pay close attention to the difference between normative rules and social practice but that the study of kinship is something far more complicated than simply the study of genealogies or the ramifying biological links of the domestic family .
6 ‘ When we came to leave the Lamb that afternoon , Mr Barnett , we were all in similar states of intoxication , but Jack had become as maudlin as only an Irishman in liquor can .
7 According to Ockleton , he had become ‘ as maudlin as only an Irishman in liquor can . ’
8 The other on population and housing , erm has been delayed in being sent to the printers , in order that we might incorporate some of the erm information from last year er so that the document would be thereby erm even more er immediately useful and in consequence it wo n't be available until either the end of the month or the very beginning of February , but er progress is on a is in hand on that er that 's all I wanted to say to you .
9 This is as much a consequence of data on households being more easily available as necessarily a reflection of real differences between household and non-household kin .
10 But regarding 2 this teacher was not especially charismatic — in fact more self-effacing than naturally the centre of attention .
11 Where verbs of perception and know , as we saw above , evoke a characteristic expressive effect in this context , it is more difficult to see any nuance characterizing make here , other than perhaps a suggestion of result .
12 Or they may even spend a good sum of money on refurbishing a suite of rooms with no apparent requirement of reward other than perhaps the naming of the rooms in acknowledgement .
13 Still , industrial work itself , in its characteristic structure and setting , and urbanisation — life in the rapidly growing cities — were certainly the most dramatic forms of the new life ; new because even the continuity of some local occupation or town concealed far-reaching changes .
14 And then , when I put the phone down again , it resumes its full natural flow , inside my head instead of outside , as perfectly articulate and well-modulated as only a voice inside one 's head has a chance to be .
15 She died childless when still a minor in 1651 and he never remarried .
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