Example sentences of "[adj] [num] [noun] [prep] the first " in BNC.

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1 THE TOP three finishers in the First Division took a firm step towards the Carlsberg play-offs at Wembley Arena in May with comfortable away wins in the first round of the best-of-three quarter-final series .
2 An excellent recreation of the funfair type shooting range with an extra six levels after the first screen .
3 It certainly is the case that the Reagan administration was never able to duplicate the domestic policy triumphs of 1981 in the remaining three years of the first term .
4 So , when the 1971 British Lions stretched Fergie McCormick this way and that when winning the First Test on Mains ' home ground , the All Black selectors decided that McCormick had to go , and Mains went on to play the remaining three Tests of the first rubber that the Lions had won in New Zealand .
5 Dickson duly complied with their wishes with an appalling 1–4 record on the first day .
6 He three-putted four times in the first six holes and on the inward run twice fluffed chips to take a third 6 at the thirteenth .
7 Captain Naas Botha said ‘ We want a repeat of our match against the Midlands in midweek when we played effective rugby for the full 80 minutes for the first time on tour .
8 Trinity held an early 6-4 lead , but were hit with two tries in the final six minutes of the first half as Saints finally clicked into gear .
9 They had however , been subject to the same grounds for referral and allegations as the other three families at the first Children 's Panel Hearing on 5 March .
10 Er , I think the main ones really , are on page one o six the final two lines of the first paragraph which says the two vacant blocks now really , there 's four it should just read , and does now read the demolition of the vacant blocks .
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