Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] at a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Horn , of Hurworth Moor , resigned from his £34,000-a-year job as education officer in charge of forward planning before he was due to appear at a disciplinary hearing at the council 's headquarters in Matlock last week .
2 Television is at least one escape and just like all the other trivial pastimes , should allow the unemployed to participate at a reduced rate .
3 After observing the industrious building of castles in the air in the past few days , I thought it would be appropriate to look at an odd phenomenon that has puzzled meteorologists for the past ten years : the series of giant mushroom-shaped cloud formations round the periphery of the Siberian land-mass .
4 Apart from pure nostalgia , perhaps this is because in the ‘ old days ’ it was fairly easy to look at a faulty circuit , identify components used for specific functions , replace them and get the set going again whether it was commercially or home-made .
5 Once all work on the system has been completed , then the ground must be tidied up and left in such a state that it is easy to assess at a later date what rabbits have been left behind .
6 A couple of his men , apparently under orders from Epitot , were content to follow at a respectful distance as she and Karelius went for a stroll in the city .
7 It is odd — one of the anomalies of science — that it is possible to look at a single entity as if it were either one thing or another , apparently quite different thing .
8 Other competitors include Audi 's new 80 2.8E V6 and the forthcoming new Volkswagen Passat VR6 , likely to sell at a similar price .
9 ( Care must be taken in interpreting these probit equations : note that positive because the higher the price the more likely it is that all will be sold ; is positive because as the horizon approaches one gets less fussy , and so one is more likely to sell at a lower price ; the other signs follow from similar arguments . )
10 Granted better luck he should get his head back in front and is likely to start at a reasonable price in this company .
11 Since the matter is important , I wonder if you would take the trouble to write to me again , indicating particularly whether such other arrangements as you will be making are likely to commence at an earlier date than one might otherwise suppose .
12 It is clearly imperative to arrive at a correct diagnosis of the origins of involuntary unemployment .
13 When you telephone someone you are more likely to intrude at an inconvenient time and not realize it .
14 However , the organizational advantages of being able to sample at a regular interval are so considerable that such anxieties are often set aside .
15 2.3 If the Landlord is unable to obtain at a reasonable cost any of the materials referred to in the Building Documents the Landlord may [ ( subject to notifying promptly the Surveyors of its intention to do so ) ] in carrying out the Works substitute for them alternative materials as nearly as may be of the same quality
16 In exchange , homesteaders will pay a lower rent or be able to buy at a reduced price .
17 As a result of this the club has been able to run at a constant level of activity .
18 For insects such as locusts , which migrate over vast distances , it is even more important to fly at an economical speed .
19 If the customer base is broadly the same as for existing products , then the credit manager should be able to arrive at a reasonable assessment of these factors .
20 To recognise where a reform is urgently required and must be effected at any cost , or where it may be postponed , or where it may be counted on to effect itself without outside influence , and , perhaps most important of all , to be able to recognise the fact that certain reforms would be beneficial could they be effected but that it is not possible to effect them at all ; to be able to arrive at a right decision on such points as these is what is chiefly required of a Resident .
21 If the Government were concerned to arrive at a proper system , they would accept that fairness was the answer .
22 The induction of newly qualified teachers into the local education business community must be a priority for TPS with partnerships as these teachers will be potentially the most innovative , and the most important to influence at an early stage .
23 You have got to enjoy yourself to be able to complete at a top level and I still love my running .
24 As a result of that meeting , the leaders agreed to meet together to discuss the obstacles in the way of further political dialogue in the hope that new talks might be able to begin at an early date .
25 Erm I , I , there were provisions that where er more than ten percent of the population for any area was at the level you would be able to tax at a higher rate .
26 It is possible to arrive at a probable date for the birth of Jesus .
27 For the first time I had an opportunity of seeing Barbara at work in detailed negotiations , and whatever small credit attached to me for the major idea , the scale and ingenuity that she expended on the detail and in making it possible to arrive at a suitable settlement was beyond praise .
28 It is essential to establish at an early stage the significance of the properties to the operations and overall value of the target business .
29 Such patterns may be the result of Sisyphean fitness and not represent irreversible tendencies to speciation , i.e. the formation of ‘ populations ’ of plant genotypes , representing the best available to arrive at a particular point under the prevailing biotic and physical features at any one particular time .
30 As schemes differ it would be essential to enquire at a local branch .
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