Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] they [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was obviously advantageous to record those events and the aftermath as quickly as possible to preserve them for the benefit of those who came after us .
2 When questions , for example on morbidity , had been validated in the General Household Survey , it would be possible to include them in the Resource Allocation Survey .
3 Breeze had already heard the family mentioned the day before , at the Vicarage , and was interested to see them in the flesh .
4 By now the champagne was flowing … all United need now is a new owner willing to keep them in the style to which they 'd like to become accustomed .
5 Kylie will never forget the major role PWL played in changing her life , making a millionairess out of a minor TV star , and is prepared to defend them to the hilt .
6 And , by the way , he did have this job in Italy , but if it was in the slightest degree inconvenient to join them in the villa , he 'd book into a cheap little pensione by the railway station in Siena .
7 Prisoners offered the choice very rarely preferred death to the colonies but , because they were essentially treated in the same way as indentured servants , they could only go to America if a merchant was willing to take them on the basis of a calculation that he could sell their services at the other end .
8 ‘ It 'll probably be easy to eliminate them from the enquiry ; we are n't going to frame anybody or hassle anybody or pull anything heavy . ’
9 The nurse may recognise potential problems and it may be appropriate to discuss them with the patient .
10 The police questioned the three ‘ crew ’ , who were far too well trained to give anything away , and although forensic samples were taken from the Ouvéa it was impossible to examine them on the spot .
11 Even their parents got in on the act , when the Mercedes hired to take them to the reception blew up .
12 They are flexible enough to bend , making it simple to slot them into the side strips .
13 It would be virtually impossible to bring them under the control of one super-agency .
14 Otherwise their existence might be a source of danger , for they had followings of their own which were likely to support them against the king in a political crisis .
15 So they progressed back again , Sir George clutching the letters , Maud the opened cocoon of linen and silk , and Roland the three dolls , out of some vague fancy that it was cruel to leave them in the dark .
16 Well it 's good to see them in the bath anyway having a good good old splash about , you know ?
17 Unfortunately , the surviving harpsichord by Hitchcock has lost its stop knobs : it would have been most useful to compare them with the painting .
18 It will be helpful to set them in the context of the legislative framework which we have applied for many years .
19 My fingers feel all tingly , but it do n't half feel good to stick them in the water .
20 Similarly , if a child with bacterial diarrhoea is taken to a health clinic and prescribed a necessary course of antibiotics , the mother might be unwilling to give them to the child if her hot/cold classification of the antibiotics conflicts with her classification of the type of diarrhoea .
21 I do not believe that the Harrier pilots who found themselves in the Royal Naval Reserve will have the opportunity to fly either , but it is certainly useful to have them in the reserve should they be needed .
22 Roger Martyn , churchwarden of Long Melford in Suffolk , for example , kept the reredos , organ , clocks , and bells of Holy Trinity Church in his own home , in the hope that his heirs would be able to restore them to the church sometime in the future .
23 Luckily this family all weighed in at over 15 grammes … and that means enough fat to see them through the winter .
24 Incidentally , if you have any items which you think would be of interest to the Residents , your scribe would be happy to include them in the Newsletter .
25 Where he did have strong personal views , he proved less willing or less able to implement them over the opposition of others .
26 Blind , deaf , but able to smell ; able to find them by the food smell , even in this raging , wind-swept , rain-driven night …
27 His knowledge of classical music was very comprehensive — you only had to sing him a snatch of any symphony or concerto and he would be able to identify it immediately , but this is n't sufficient to get you up there in front of a hundred or more qualified musicians and be able to lead them into the opening bars of Beethoven 's 5th , or even the Warsaw Concerto .
28 Barton has heavy borrowings too , and to put it crudely , if they 're paying interest and Huerter is n't , Huerter ought to be able to undercut them in the market . ’
29 SOCIAL ‘ Sociologists apparently have come round to the belief that 50 per cent of middle-class parents who send their children to private schools would be happy to put them in the state system if dinner money was renamed lunch money . ’
30 The four — and a sick Jon Tinker who had been unable to accompany them on the summit bid — scrambled from the disintegrating tent at 9am on Christmas Eve and fled downhill .
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