Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] it [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If the query is of a complicated or technical nature it is quite acceptable to pass it on to the expert , but is this really necessary for a bar of soap or a DIY fitting ?
2 You are more likely to have a rug accepted by an auctioneer if you are prepared to put it up without a reserve ( a figure agreed between you and the auctioneer below which they will not sell the rug ) , but this is extremely risky as it could then be sold for far less than it is worth .
3 Her mind was free to appreciate it properly for the first time .
4 But er with the the the er the original the the first one , you had to heat it up with a blowlamp and you had to be very very careful to get it just to the right heat , before if you tried to start it too cold , it would kick back and if was too hot again , it just would n't start .
5 Press response If there does not seem to be any response to your press release , do not be afraid to follow it up with a telephone call .
6 If it 's to be helpful if if Mr is saying on behalf of the Parish Council that by showing it in this way on the key diagram , he feels is prejudicing or the Parish Council 's position is prejudiced at some future date , then it 's to be helpful to that that the County Council is saying it is prepared to show it simply as a an arrow and similarly for consistency it would seem to make sense to show the western in the same fashion .
7 If a lesson involves groupwork , you might even experiment with keeping the camera fixed on one group of learners — it is possible to lock it off without an operator and it need not be too obvious to students that they are being singled out .
8 ‘ D' you know , Jessica , it 's impossible to do it badly on the coast of Ireland .
9 Dominic Wetherby 's right hand was clutching a packet of cheese so tightly that it was impossible to prise it out of the dead grip .
10 ‘ I push you up the hill and then you 're not content to take it steady on the track , oh no .
11 You 're supposed to curl it up in a , in a erm in a brush when you blow dry it you know .
12 It was heavy for him , he was glad to set it down for a while .
13 You 're not going to see this one at your local Bijou nor are you likely to pick it up at the corner video store .
14 You 're not going to see this one at your local Bijou nor are you likely to pick it up at the corner video store .
15 Knowing that the opening of a cup is round , it is false to depict it simply as an ellipse ; ideally the object is shown as a combination of plan , section and elevation .
16 In the days when I used to drink alcohol I 'd have said it was possible to do it only on the basis of several glasses of sherry .
17 If this is to be done , despite the number who are brought up in other religions , it is reasonable to do it largely through the medium of Christianity , simply because Christianity exists as an institution in this country , and is by no means dead .
18 But you must have been sufficiently curious to check it out on a map .
19 With the ball often in need of a team of scuba-divers to dig it out of the muddy waters , the decision made sense .
20 It is therefore advisable to mount it closer to the lid of the case so that there is sufficient space for the circuit board to fit beneath it .
21 Anyway , he left what should have been my share to Matthew on condition that I was able to lease it back at a nominal rental .
22 It , it was , it was a disastrous weekend for the U's , what on earth are they going to do tonight , are they going to be able to pull it out of the hat and , and
23 In three respects at least D. H. Lawrence 's attitude to homosexuality was typical : first , he seems to have been able to accept it only in an idealized and spiritual form ; as Paul Delany puts it , he wanted not a lover but a spiritual brother .
24 A little extra pressure and I would be able to fish it out with the hypodermic needle I had poised ready .
25 Her mother handed her a glass of white wine , so generously filled that Kate was obliged to take a long sip before it was safe to put it down on the small table by the side of the chair .
26 We may be able to put it off for a while , but make that decision , we have got to , some day or another .
27 This is a more social one which works by analysing a concept , like ‘ feudal ’ , ‘ patrimonial ’ , ‘ bureaucratic ’ , or ‘ charismatic ’ , so as to be able to use it clearly as a theoretical term .
28 Its defenders have certainly been reluctant to give it up in the face of criticisms , for fear that ‘ without it , the macro-economists would be adrift in a sea of unorganized data ’ ( Samuelson and Nordhaus 1985 ) .
29 By all means practise side-slipping at height , but do n't assume that because you can do it at height you will be able to do it accurately on an approach .
30 I felt that if I could get into a regular habit-forming routine then I would be able to keep it up beyond the 30 days .
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