Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [det] [noun pl] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Even though workers would be willing to offer their labour services at a lower real wage rate , and even though employers would be willing to hire more workers at a lower real wage rate , neither party to the bargaining process is capable of exerting downward pressure on this all important relative price .
2 Visibility was not good because of approaching darkness but the crew were able to see some trees at the approach end of the field .
3 You should be able to buy these books at a bookshop or borrow them from a library .
4 Under the reform , elections would be held under a system of proportional representation , with officials re-electable for four-year periods but unable to occupy several positions at the various levels of local and regional government at the same time .
5 The scales are certainly atomic , so we are entitled to regard these charges at the surfaces as having spread out in two dimensions only .
6 Clearly , there are also people ready to take these jobs at the going rate , and not too discontented as long as they are not the breadwinner in their family , and are thus able to regard their wage as additional to the basic family income .
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