Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [noun pl] for the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For example , being prepared to kill others for the sake of one 's country — fatherland or motherland — or the act of ‘ falling in love ’ are both considered to be quite ‘ normal ’ acts in modern Western society .
2 And in the SenFed there were people and governments willing to pay fortunes for the promise of near-perfect security .
3 Some were even prepared to make allowances for the fact that Peter had been an appallingly neglectful father .
4 Since it is virtually impossible to obtain cultures for the gonococcus , the chances of making the correct diagnosis are considerably reduced .
5 Once the role of the advertising has been defined , it becomes reasonably straightforward to set objectives for the advertising , which will usually be rather more specific interpretations of the role statement , including where possible specific targets , measurable by specific research .
6 The man most likely to cause problems for the French is Maurice Johnston , the striker who joined Rangers from Nantes during the summer .
7 Each year since Tate died the ‘ new Tate ’ has been unveiled with champagne and gourmet titbits for those privileged to receive tickets for the preview .
8 Thus , a man 's not treating a woman as autonomous in love-making is likely to have consequences for the way he treats her elsewhere .
9 ‘ These additional risks were likely to have implications for the success of an already challenging project .
10 The committee is supposed to prepare reports for the board , but the reports read more like glowing company prospectuses , and there are various discrepancies between what they say and what seems actually to have happened .
11 The torque correction factor shown in the final column of Table 5.2 is the ratio of the exact to approximate results for the pull-out torque .
12 Trainer Roger Charlton was not present to outline plans for the son of 1987 ‘ Arc ’ hero Trempolino , but his travelling head man Martin Franklin said : ‘ Like his sire , I 'm sure that he 'll improve with more experience . ’
13 It is also traditional to burn spices for the deceased ; to cover the mirrors ( or soap them ) ; and to remove from the house any photographs of the deceased .
14 Misys Plc , which said in January that it was in talks that could lead to it acquiring Burns Anderson Independent Network Plc ( CI No 2,081 ) , said yesterday that it had not been able to agree terms for the acquisition and that negotiations had therefore been terminated .
15 There are a number of independent physicians and general practitioners who are more than happy to conduct interviews for the purpose of medico-legal reports .
16 We shall assume that the syntactic positions for adjectives in English are as below ; we give first the intensional pattern of which each is the surface exponent , as well as an example for each , and also an instance which is ungrammatical and where we shall later be able to suggest reasons for the ungrammaticality ; in each case we shall underline in the intensional pattern the property which is instantiated by the adjective , merely for clarification and not as an integral part of the notation : [ P E ] prenominal attributive position surface syntactic sequence : adjective + noun as in hungry passengers ; but note that *asleep kittens is ungrammatical { [ E ] ( P ) } ordinary predicative position surface syntactic sequence : noun phrase + be + adjective as in the critics were upset ; but note that her husband was mere is ungrammatical [ E P ] postnominal attributive position surface syntactic sequence : noun phrase + adjective as in the crimes alleged ; but note that the road wide is ungrammatical ( ( P E ) P ) predicate qualifying position surface syntactic sequence : verb phrase + noun phrase + adjective as in he brought his gun loaded ; but note that she uses her mixer lightweight is ungrammatical [ E ( P P ) ] postverbal position surface syntactic sequence : verb phrase + adjective as in the crowd remained angry ; but note that his brother resisted obstinate is ungrammatical ( ( P P ) E ) adverbal position surface syntactic sequence ( usually ) : verb + noun phrase + adjective as in Ali rubbed the lamp clean ; but note that Mark resembles the officer sinister is ungrammatical ( P { E P } ) clausal position = surface syntactic sequence : verb + noun phrase ( + be ) + adjective as in he considers the prosecution case hopeless but note that Sue reported the prizes aplenty is ungrammatical { E P } P extraclausal position surface syntactic sequence ( usually ) : adjective + clause as in furious , the king ordered many arrests but note that furious , the king had three wives is ungrammatical As we have said , these are the adjectival positions of English ( and possibly of any natural human language ) .
17 It is advisable to give reasons for the decision , especially if rejecting the DC , so that those concerned know why the proposed change has been blocked .
18 British Legion was able to raise funds for the erection of a Servicemen 's Memorial Club in Bourne Place , just off the Chiswick High Road , between Dukes Avenue and Duke Road .
19 In addition , the shop will be able to take bookings for the centre 's many other activities , including Santa Specials , the Midlander Wine and Dine trains , the Firework Night celebrations , and the special excursion trains to London .
20 However , we were able to make comparisons for the use of fixed-term contract workers and we also report briefly the results of this exercise .
21 They argue , sensibly , that for this reason it would be ridiculous to find alternatives for the syllable ‘ man ’ in these words .
22 The project brings together recent developments in computational statistics and high-performance computing to make these widely available to research workers for the analysis of large and complex datasets .
23 On 11 May , 1925 the following advertisement appeared in The Athletic News : ARSENAL FOOTBALL CLUB is open to receive applications for the position of TEAM MANAGER He must be fully experienced and possess the highest qualifications for the post , both as to ability and personal character .
24 It may also be necessary to include mechanisms for the identification of non-words in order to explain skilled reading .
25 It is obviously not necessary to cite cases for the proposition that there has been a considerable development in the scope of judicial review in the second half of this century .
26 If he 's never been particularly affectionate and you 've never complained before , he may find your sudden demands puzzling and irritating , although I hope he realises that you 're anxious to improve things for the sake of the marriage and not just for yourself .
27 A deputy of Sproull 's reputation , officiating in the regality court , would be certain to make enemies for the politician who appointed him , and Gorthie strongly advised the duke to get rid of the bailie-depute immediately .
28 As you will have probably read from your QT notes , we need to have accurate information available in the office , ready to publicise classes for the start of the new season , and this year they are being put on the Word Processor so that in future only alterations need be notified .
29 There has always been a tendency to build houses for the dead to resemble houses for the living .
30 Once you have clear precise objectives you will be ready to select activities for the achievement of each objective .
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