Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [art] same [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It is acceptable to use the same name as someone else if it is used for a different class of goods or services to the ones for which the first mark is registered .
2 The salesmen were willing to follow the same line as it entailed no extra effort on their part and was not likely to interfere with their way of doing things .
3 As he put it , ‘ not until the habits of the rich are changed and they are again content to breathe the same air and walk the same streets as the poor will East London be ‘ saved ’ .
4 Consequently , any measure which seeks to strengthen central influence on the curriculum and to weaken teachers ' autonomy in curriculum matters is still likely to evince the same suspicion and hostility with which teachers responded to ‘ payment by results ’ .
5 With their experienced hooker David Watkinson still struggling for fitness , Dewsbury are likely to retain the same side as Sunday .
6 But after the sterling crisis , Mr Major had been quick to brand the same markets as irrational , Mr Smith declared .
7 Brian Horton 's likely to name the same side that beat Portsmouth last week .
8 His preferences can be illustrated by means of a set of indifference curves which are likely to have the same shape as those depicted in Chapter 4 for the case of an individual choosing between two goods .
9 The first principle holds that in stable communication , it is conventional to regard the same word as having consistent meaning from one occasion of use to another .
10 In my own particular section of the clothing and textiles the union fought long and hard to gain the same rights and conditions for temporary workers , and so leading to permanent employment in most cases .
11 In the extreme case it is possible to use the same file that created the page on a page printer and use it to generate true phototypeset quality results .
12 Poidevin has announced he is unable to devote the same time and commitment to the game this year because of his business pressures with a Sydney stockbroking firm .
13 The ‘ cost of capital ’ may be low enough and there may be a strong demand for the type of commodity which the investment project aims at producing , but if other competing enterprises are able to supply the same commodity or a close substitute more cheaply ( or of a higher quality ) then the project will not be ‘ commercially viable . ’
14 The guitar is still the one that could never be replaced by anything digital because you would never be able to get the same sound and feel on a computer .
15 It was Woil 's voice , desperate to see the same fear that had stopped him finding freedom now overtaking Creggan .
16 The committee has accused the Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ) of failing to impose adequate regulations on the bottled water industry , which at present is not obliged to maintain the same standards as the public water supply .
17 The machine itself and its style of operation was incidental , in fact it was possible to achieve the same procedure if not quite the same discipline on the student by using programmed books with directional references to other pages at the end of each page .
18 Thirdly , the reasoning in the preceding paragraph applies equally to a number of separate covenantors each liable to perform the same obligation as in the case before me .
19 6.4 Non-competition It may not be in the best interests of the landlord or the tenant for there to be several units within a shopping centre being entitled to sell the same goods or services .
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