Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [prep] [noun pl] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He did however attempt in his Sermons Chiefly on the Theory of Religious Belief ( 1843 ) and The Grammar of Assent ( 1870 ) an analysis of the nature of religious belief which shows some affinity with Coleridge , and includes Newman 's own original idea of the ‘ illative sense ’ by which we find it possible to proceed through probabilities to certitude ; and in his celebrated Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine ( 1878 ) struggled with the problem of change and continuity in the expression of Christian faith down through the centuries in a fashion which has helped many others to grasp something of the questions , if not in most cases to accept his answers .
2 British industry , the City of London , most of what used to be called Fleet Street , and the economic spokesmen for all the political parties have for many years spoken with one voice on this matter : what Britain required , they all said , was a large , secure home market in which it was possible to benefit from economies of scale comparable to those enjoyed by the Japanese and the Americans .
3 For our part , we were not prepared to compromise on standards of safety and quality .
4 Concluding that there was no economic justification for phasing out the stations before the end of their planned lives , it also told Nuclear Electric that it would be willing to look at plans for capital spending to extend the life of the stations .
5 Despite the way she discreetly booked into hotels as plain Miss Jones , she was ever available for interviews on local radio stations and always willing to pose with winners of concert tickets in the evening papers .
6 The health committee , representing all parties , rightly insists the DoH be prepared to respond to shortfalls in funding , widely believed to be a £135 million deficit , and should have contingency funding available to respond to any crises .
7 But if you are n't prepared to wade through acres of news and advertising print , your financial adviser should be able to pick out a few plans that suit your needs .
8 Gardiner , where the judge was careful to speak in terms of justification rather than insist that a belief be both honest and reasonable .
9 It was , however , misguided to object to loans on principle and MPs should amend the bill to devise a more equitable system which applied to part-time students , too .
10 However , it is impossible to attend to approaches to teaching and learning for this stage without attending to how students are learning prior to this " ( Versey 1989:23 ) .
11 It is never easy to come to terms with death — it brings with it a surfeit of emotions ; disbelief , anger , guilt , resentment and remorse .
12 Although it is dangerous to generalise about matters of fact , it may be asserted that it will require a considerable degree of intoxication before a defendant can plausibly make such claims .
13 It is easy to do with halls of residence , but it is also easy to do where students are living in digs or even when they are the owners of properties .
14 Finally , as industrial societies do not remain static — indeed some sociologists are already talking of a ‘ postindustrial ’ society — what further changes , if any , are we likely to see in patterns of family living or in the development of alternatives to what we usually understand as ‘ the family ’ ?
15 Ministers still stand by Lawther 's conclusion that only 10 per cent of lead in the human body is likely to come from additives in petrol .
16 For example , differences in consumption patterns coupled with differences in excises are likely to lead to changes in ranking , as is the differential treatment under the income tax of different sources .
17 I was very concerned that the space of the north gallery would dissipate out into these side pockets , these large shadow boxes , which are too small to be rooms and too large to function as niches for sculpture .
18 But it may be unfair to look for remedies at classroom level from such global data .
19 An innovator in financial areas , Citibank for example , is not likely to embark on innovations in health care .
20 I was thrilled to hear of cuts on TV on at least two occasions but NatWest must have missed this .
21 Regardless of these , orders below a certain value are hard to justify in terms of collection and administration costs .
22 In fact , it is not hard to think of explanations for senescence in terms of individual advantage .
23 First , it may be necessary because it is impossible or inappropriate to rely on specimens of breath for one of the reasons specified in section 7(3) .
24 The second proposition might state that only those who have absorbed the culture of such groups are likely to rise to positions of leadership .
25 Adverse social consequences are less likely to occur under conditions of evolution .
26 If the Labour Party had announced , in 1964 or 66 , its intention to ‘ oppose capitalism ’ fundamentally and had explained what this was likely to involve in terms of dislocation of international trade and payments ( even Callaghan 's mildly redistributive budget of 1964 was enough to cause a run on the pound ) , and the onus which would have to be placed on the trade unions in running industry , given the likely non-co-operation of many among the managerial strata , it is quite implausible to say they would have been elected to office .
27 We should also remember that we expect many of the elderly to function under circumstances of stress which would strain people of any age : bereavement , repeated as contemporaries gradually die , worry about money , fear of increasing infirmity , isolation and death .
28 Reflecting fears from the industry over inconsistency of enforcement , the regulatory authorities and their environmental health officers are to be given guidance on what is reasonable to expect in terms of training , and the wise operator will make sure that his training strategy is endorsed by the local EHO .
29 I will give you an example of what one might be confronted with in the future from , from a piece from the Environment Committee in the House of Commons ' Report on Coastal Zone Planning and Management and it says here , we fail to see what is impractical about treating the seabed as submerged land an opinion shared by the Royal Town Planning Institute no less and if planning authorities can deal with issues like public rights of way , aggregate extraction multiple use on land , they should be able to cope with rights of navigation and extraction of sea .
30 A sensitivity to this type of variation should contribute towards pupils becoming more tolerant of linguistic diversity , more aware of the richness it can provide and more able to cope with problems of communication .
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