Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [conj] at [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Now on the seventeenth of September Mr met Peter on the defendant 's firm er for the first time at his office , where they had er a general discussion about the business and about what needed to be done in order to secure it and er the plaintiffs at that stage told Peter that there should be er no problems over finance as he understood the bank were willing to assist and at that stage he wanted to move as quickly as possible to exchange contracts on the business erm , for two reasons .
2 As a regular viewer of Casualty , I am delighted to see that at last television producers have acknowledged that nursing auxiliaries like myself ( and health care assistants ) do exist , as a health care assistant has now been introduced into the programme .
3 It is easy to see that at high prices consumers will only want to consume small quantities , while a fall in price will mean that demand increases .
4 We asked after Pop and were glad to hear that at that time he was still well .
5 It would be reasonable to suppose that at this latitude the islands would be frozen in for most — if not all — of the year , and so they would , were it not for the Gulf Stream .
6 It is safe to conclude that at any stage of this planet 's history the world of bacteria has been overwhelmingly conditioned by the state of the biosphere .
7 True to form , the Valvestate S80 is more than happy to oblige and at low volume the Boost channel switched to OD2 handles everything thrown at it .
8 Accordingly I ought to be able to say that at this stage his comments seem to me beside the point , or more exactly in excess of it .
9 It is now difficult to imagine that at this time virtually all the academic departments were based in the Trent Building
10 The political spin-offs from crusading are therefore more difficult to calculate than at first glance they might appear .
11 However , it is fair to say that at local education authority level there is more evidence of its impact on change .
12 I should add here that even as a junior at Halton I was in the senior cross-country team — which only people in their very last year were normally eligible to join and at this stage I was in my first year of three , I was allowed to go out on any occasion , in running gear , to train as I was a bona fide member of the team and so on one of these occasions when I was out training — I always wore a sort of towel around my neck which looked very professional at the time and quite unnecessary — I managed to conceal the altimeter , which had become very very hot property by this time because it was known that several instruments were missing and we could have a visit from the gendarme .
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