Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [pron] with [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As I cleaned the little beauty and mounted it in my new display case , I promised myself that I would do everything possible to provide it with a few companions in the months that followed .
2 As you will have realised by now this is not a fish for the person with a small community tank , but as long as you are prepared to provide it with the correct conditions , it is perfectly feasible for the novice to keep and breed the fish successfully .
3 The story of Gilly Hopkins is very sad : Gilly has the opportunity to gain everything she 's always wanted — someone who cares about her and forgives her and is willing to provide her with a loving home , but Gilly throws all this away simply by writing a letter when she 's feeling very upset .
4 This left Lady Arran free to fortify herself with a large tot of rum .
5 For the most part these arose from the almost heedless manner in which Christians were prepared to identify themselves with the dominant values of secular Roman society .
6 Children here do n't lack any sort of ability it 's because th they English is n't their first language so they need support in learning English to help them with the everyday necessities of the national curriculum .
7 Charlie should have known the shysters when he saw them — but too often he was willing to identify himself with the craw-thumping brigade , allowing them to subvert his better , progressive instincts .
8 Whatever your requirements , from traditional wedding arrangements , including delicate bridesmaids ' posies , to exquisite designs for a special occasion — whether for a large dance or small party — Edward Goodyear will be delighted to provide you with a free estimate to suit your individual desires .
9 The landed gentry of Wiltshire and Dorset do , after all , have a knowledge of their counties that goes generations deep , and they are somewhat dismayed to find themselves with an academic bishop who has never been a parish priest and who , they feel , does not understand the nature of rural society .
10 Mother looked at them , shook her head and sighed , then advising Etty to rinse herself with the warm water , she turned , stood up , and moved towards the door , unaware that her apron-strings were entangled with a handle of the zinc-tub …
11 Anyone familiar with the clear , highly distinctive aroma of geranium would know that one would need to be totally anosmic to confuse it with the soft , deep notes of sandalwood .
12 If Peter is actually a ‘ tough ’ whose nickname means ‘ Rocky ’ , is it not possible to equate him with the fierce individual known as Simon Zelotes or Simon the Canaanite — to equate him , that is , with Simon the Zealot ?
13 Crushed ambitions and women 's lib feelings had rallied to the author 's right to identify herself with a polished ship .
14 If used carefully and correctly , condoms are likely to provide you with an effective barrier against HIV infection during penetrative sex ( they are 98% reliable ) .
15 They do n't find it so comfortable to forget you with a nice headstone . ’
16 It is helpful to discuss it with the main witnesses , first off ; brings it alive , if you know what I mean . ’
17 It is prudent to flag them with a red streamer .
18 At first the hotel had been unwilling to employ someone with a young daughter .
19 It was such qualities , combined with its outstanding durability and scarcity , that led the Chinese to invest it with the symbolic qualities and applications that served to mark it out all the more emphatically as for them precious beyond all other substances .
20 I have never been able to see it with the naked eye ( as some observers claim to have done ) , but it is not hard to find with × 7 , and it is easy with × 8.5 .
21 A copy of the module is no longer available in magnetic format but please consult your LIFESPAN Manager who will be able to provide you with a hard copy version of the module ( on paper , microfiche or microfilm ) .
22 A copy of the module is no longer available in magnetic format but please consult your LIFESPAN Manager who will be able to provide you with a hard copy version of the module ( on paper , microfiche or microfilm ) .
23 A copy of the module is no longer available in magnetic format but please consult your LIFESPAN Manager who will be able to provide you with a hard copy version of the module ( on paper , microfiche or microfilm ) .
24 It appears that the next stage is to look for suitable sites and I am told that you will be able to provide us with a large scale map of the area for this purpose .
25 If you are currently unable to provide us with the relevant information , please indicate by which date this would be possible .
26 Unable to find one with the same outward-opening flap , he did the next best thing and took an average price for similar letter-boxes and forwarded you a cheque for this amount .
27 Mindful of the quarrels over precedence among the Bonaparte family which had marred his uncle 's coronation , Napoleon III may have felt it unwise to provide them with a similar occasion for bad manners .
28 The Director has stated a seemingly modest goal : that someone who is assessed as requiring residential or nursing home care on 1 April should be able to receive it with no greater difficulty than s/he would have experienced on 31 March .
29 ‘ someone who is assessed as requiring residential or nursing home care on 1 April should be able to receive it with no greater difficulty than s/he would have experienced on 31 March .
30 When Wharton had to relinquish his seat in Buckinghamshire on his elevation to the peerage in 1696 , he was unable to replace himself with a suitable man , and the by-election went in favour of a local Tory , Lord Cheyne .
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