Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [pron] [v-ing] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I was sorry to see them striding along the walks at Tunbridge Wells with their arms akimbo , dressed in martial uniform , ’ wrote the authoress Elizabeth Montagu that spring of some fellow members of her sex .
2 You need far more capital to get you going in a place like Cambridge that you perhaps do in Peterborough where some houses can still be bought for around thirty thousand and that needs to be borne in mind .
3 The illuminated versions can be handy if sited near the keyhole — they will probably give you just enough light to stop you fumbling in the dark with your key .
4 It 's not unusual to find them basking on the slopes of the teeing areas .
5 It is hard to imagine him coming at a better time as we plan to make our first Diocesan Assembly the centrepiece of his visit , on Saturday 10th June .
6 It is hard to imagine you getting through the day without upsetting someone close to you , possibly a lover or a relative .
7 Shipmasters long ago found that their societies are never likely to help them owing to the inevitable scattering of members and the indifference which distance begets .
8 First , it 's hard to stop oneself looking at the scene , it 's so fascinating .
9 ‘ I know it 's a medium to long-term investment but it is good to see it growing in the meantime , ’ she says .
10 Right now , sorry to keep you waiting for a minute .
11 Unable to sleep he had drawn back the front flaps of his hut to watch the spectacular storm and had been startled to see her dashing across the flooded clearing in the glare of the lightning flashes .
12 From my stool , I 'd be able to see anyone coming into the diner .
13 Whereas Deneuve was able to delegate her ageing to a stuntwoman and dummies ( thus preserving her ‘ look ’ , as she calls it in her very precise and fluent English ) , Bowie had to act several scenes as he aged catastrophically through lack of fresh blood and then , despite one last desperate murder , perishes .
14 extent I 'd be happy to keep you going for a bit longer .
15 And something brisk to take you bowling about the place .
16 But we were able to stop it getting into the farm house . ’
17 Rolling down the bank at an ever-increasing speed , Daniel was unable to prevent himself falling into the chill waters of the canal .
18 I think that 's what I think , but I 'm not sure that if I 'd been born here I 'd be pleased to see me walking down the lane .
19 ‘ One of them was so desperate to stop me overtaking at the ford he lost his footing and fell backwards into the water . ’
20 During the first match I was amazed to find myself sitting beside a Church of Ireland minister , a Free Presbyterian Minister and a Roman Catholic priest .
21 They really are a very vibrant organization , and er , I think we really would wish them well , and , and very pleasing to see them adapting to the new circumstances .
22 From Dennis 's drunken hints that memorable evening in Ramillies Drive I had gathered that the reason for this was Karen 's sterility , so I was somewhat surprised to find her going on the offensive .
23 ‘ Do n't be surprised to find me sitting on the tee in the lotus position , ’ he warned .
24 WHATEVER the good intentions and fine words about women doing anything a man can do , there are still industries where men would be surprised to find themselves dealing with a woman .
25 She was surprised to find it rising for the third time , but though it hardened she knew it would take an age to bring it to orgasm .
26 Earlier we find little trace of it generally , and so we ought not to be surprised to find it missing from the ordinary Person 's consciousness of time in those days .
27 ‘ I was at the first-night party of Come Blow Your Horn , ’ said Braden , ‘ and remember being completely fooled by his American accent in the play , so I was very surprised to hear him talking in an English accent afterwards . ’
28 Thus , there 's the tip-toeing blues of ‘ Last Swallow ’ which allows Justin 's spruced-up Nick Cave intonation to give a would-be sea shanty a good kicking and suggests the Westies ' imagination is sufficient to keep them running for a good while yet .
29 Thus , there 's the tip-toeing blues of ‘ Last Swallow ’ which allows Justin 's spruced-up Nick Cave intonation to give a would-be sea shanty a good kicking and suggests the Westies ' imagination is sufficient to keep them running for a good while yet .
30 Meanwhile , back in the south they 're kick-starting their camels on Mas Palomas beach , ready to take you treading onto the wilderness of the sand dunes .
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