Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [pron] [prep] an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But do you agree that we should put diplomatic pressure that George Bush should , the Europeans should , Douglas Hurd should , and say look guys whatever you do , if it , though were prepared to recognise you as an independent state , do n't take it out on the Russians ?
2 I had in mind Vladimir Nabokov , if you 're willing to consider him as an American writer , John Barth , Richard Brortigan , Robert Coover. erm As I say they 're all writers who might come under the heading of , of postmodern meta-fiction writers who do not take for granted that fiction has a , a direct and clearly understandable relationship with society so that it can erm give you a very clear picture of society at a given moment , which was generally the case in the , with British fiction in the nineteenth century .
3 The landed gentry of Wiltshire and Dorset do , after all , have a knowledge of their counties that goes generations deep , and they are somewhat dismayed to find themselves with an academic bishop who has never been a parish priest and who , they feel , does not understand the nature of rural society .
4 If used carefully and correctly , condoms are likely to provide you with an effective barrier against HIV infection during penetrative sex ( they are 98% reliable ) .
5 You may feed safer watching nature at second hand on the television , and would find it hard to rough it in an uncharted forest .
6 Woolf argues for improvements in prisons , not for their own sake , but because ‘ to treat prisoners in a way which is likely to leave them in an embittered and disaffected state on their release ’ will naturally lead to ‘ a deterioration in the ability of the prisoner to operate effectively and lawfully in society ’ .
7 And if we 're offering you your passage home , you and the children , and help in finding your feet once you get there , and a good convent school for the girls , so that they can go straight on with the nuns and wo n't really notice any difference , well , all that 's to be regarded as a loan , which we 're very glad to offer you for an extended period , in the hopes of getting you back among caring people . "
8 No but you ca n't really I mean that 's what supposed to have it like an actual proper office .
9 The following details of courses were sent to us recently but we were unable to include them in an earlier issue .
10 Even before 5 October 1968 it was clear that the radicals around the DHAC were beginning to lose the initiative and would be unable to consolidate themselves as an alternative leadership for anti-Unionists in the city .
11 Local education and information campaigns , though well-meaning , have proved of dubious value in prevention terms , although it is sensible to educate local youth workers , school teachers , probation officers and the primary care team to recognize the problem and be able to tackle it in an informed way .
12 This was folded and stored in a paper envelope for nearly a hundred years , and the creases make it very unlikely we shall ever be able to play it on an original machine .
13 For others , the feeling of being trapped may arise from an early blueprint drawn up when they were literally helpless and unable to do anything about an intolerable situation or to get out of it on their own .
14 Your son 's teacher should be able to refer him to an educational psychologist who 'll try to find out why he acts as he does , and how he can be helped .
15 Unless you have established for yourself what your motives are beforehand , you are unlikely to be able to present them in an attractive light to others .
16 GERARD Depardieu 's latest film , Tous Les Matins Du Monde , tries very hard to be a very worthy movie but unfortunately I am unable to recommend it as an entertaining evening at the cinema .
17 Living at a time when the value of works of art in the market was one of taste and appreciation rather than of mere commerce , he was able to avail himself of an ample fortune to buy the finest specimens of the Fine Arts which came into the market . ’
18 As you gain strength , skill , and confidence you can take on more and more ; but if you start off overcommitted , it may be difficult to extricate yourself from an impossible mess .
19 Erm , I mean I think if we 're wishing to analyse the application , I I think we must consider what it does n't do for the village , and I think there are a number of aspects that have to be considered , erm , first of all as a village , and I 've heard in this very Parish Council that the reputed view made that there is a need for small village accommodation , this development certainly does not provide that , we 've also expressed a view that it would be nice to retain the existing bungalow , because that is small village accommodation , and although it only has a very limited history , again it would be nice to retain it as an integral part of the village .
20 Belgion , a man who seemed to be equipped with a steam-boiler instead of a body , had criticized a remark of Eliot 's in After Strange Gods , namely that in order to study with thoroughness Hindu and Buddhist thought and the Sanskrit and Pali languages in which they were expounded , he would have been obliged to turn himself into an oriental .
21 It was now clear that this was because an atom in its ground state has nowhere else to go , unless it can be given the rather large amount of energy necessary to lift it to an excited state with n greater than I.
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