Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [prep] [art] [adj -er] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And the system of Standing Cabinet Committees , which was developed in the War Cabinet days , now makes it possible to work with a smaller Cabinet , on the lines of your War Cabinet and ‘ Caretaker ’ Cabinet , 49 without impairing the principle of collective responsibility .
2 As the proposed Directive establishes essential standards only , Member States are free to provide for a lower threshold to trigger the compulsory bid ( the UK rule is 30% ) .
3 For example , a worker who is unaware that exposure to high levels of benzene , as happens in some chemical plants , might cause cancer will be willing to work for a lower wage than she would if this information were widely available .
4 Specifically , this means provided they are prepared to work with a smaller ratio of balances/ liabilities .
5 Banks , being prepared to operate with a lower liquidity ratio , were only too pleased to supply the credit being demanded .
6 Even if the PSBR is reduced , this may be insufficient to prevent the growth of credit , especially if banks are prepared to operate with a lower liquidity ratio .
7 However , as Colin Gray indicated , they are either within striking distance of current LASMO operations — where it would be relatively straightforward and economical to tie in a smaller discovery to an existing field — or otherwise they offer such exciting prospects as possibly to warrant major investment .
8 The tough leathery top surface of a mature leaf is not so easy to penetrate as the softer epidermis of the underside , which is why mildew in particular can often be found by turning over leaves that are glossy and apparently quite healthy , even protected by fungicidal deposit , on the top .
9 Once all work on the system has been completed , then the ground must be tidied up and left in such a state that it is easy to assess at a later date what rabbits have been left behind .
10 And although the hospitality was superb , we were relieved to move to the warmer climate of Vancouver and Vancouver Island .
11 Nothing could be vaguer or more likely to lead to a greater increase in the powers and competences of the Community than wording of this kind .
12 It was a prosperous community : going to America was a big step to take , and one that would not be taken by people with prospects at the top of English society unless they were going out to fill a government post , but for anyone else it was likely to lead to a higher standard of living than could reasonably be expected in Britain .
13 That may be more difficult , but it is ultimately more likely to lead to a cleaner world .
14 Not only were the sites of their cancer much more significant compared to their ‘ matched ’ counterparts , but they had also arrived at Bristol when their disease was already worse and therefore more likely to lead to an earlier death .
15 ( Care must be taken in interpreting these probit equations : note that positive because the higher the price the more likely it is that all will be sold ; is positive because as the horizon approaches one gets less fussy , and so one is more likely to sell at a lower price ; the other signs follow from similar arguments . )
16 Irina 's brother was a member of the Navy Board , and he must have taken pleasure in sowing any seed which was likely to grow into a further barrier between father and son .
17 People who had said — during another part of the interview — that they preferred the smallest possible individual instalments turned out to be just as likely to switch to a shorter repayment schedule ( given lower APR and credit costs ) as people who had said they preferred the shortest possible repayment schedule .
18 Dr Jan Pentreath , NRA chief scientist , said that the introduction of hand-held monitors for inspectors to carry with them is likely to result in a higher rate of prosecution .
19 A university education is likely to result in a better-paying job than is a nonuniversity education .
20 Since the matter is important , I wonder if you would take the trouble to write to me again , indicating particularly whether such other arrangements as you will be making are likely to commence at an earlier date than one might otherwise suppose .
21 Dave had foreseen some difficulty and had moved back left to get into a better position to assist Steve , just below him .
22 Yet it is hard to think of a worse ordeal for a political leader than being urged by the party of which he is head to sever relations with his wife .
23 Most visitors will be glad to return to the friendlier atmosphere of Glen Garry where , rejoining the A.87 , Invergarry and the Great Glen are soon reached .
24 However , if age specific rates of disability remain constant , average levels of disability are likely to rise as a larger proportion of the elderly population reaches extreme old age .
25 Engels says that Cognos is now in the early stages of negotiation with ICL and Bull and the company is engineering a Unix System V.4-compliant product that will make it economically more reasonable to appear on a wider variety of Unix environments .
26 It is also useful to look at the broader environment of the organisation , because the actions of trade unions , financial institutions , stockholders and the government , for example , as well as customers , suppliers and competitors , can have far-reaching effects on the business .
27 It is useful to return to the earlier typology of hazards ( Fig. 10.1 ) and to stress the links that might be made between those working on natural hazards and those working in the socio-economic domains .
28 The suspension , springs and dampers have to be robust to cope with the greater weight of the diesel engine , which can be up to 250lb , and the greater mileage that a diesel might be expected to cover .
29 If the budget worsens after revenue-yielding tariffs have been reduced , governments may not be able to wait for the longer term trade gains to emerge to replace the lost revenue .
30 Like Debbie , Fay starts from the premise that the point of doing a degree is to get a job , as we can see in her statement that science students are able to apply for a wider range of jobs than arts graduates .
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