Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [prep] [adv] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is possible to attend to moderately stressful cues and mentally explore and master their threat before proceeding to attend to more salient stimuli .
2 She seemed willing to go to almost any length to appease , lull his irritation to rest , contain all the exasperation by taking it within herself .
3 The survey found that 16 per cent had made plans about caring for relatives , and many said they were prepared to help with less demanding tasks such as transport and shopping .
4 She was afraid to believe in so much happiness all at once .
5 Canny used-car buyers are willing to bid for even high mileage diesels at a time when they are becoming increasingly choosy about other models .
6 Well she is prepared to admit to more human frailty than we have heard attributed to Mrs T !
7 Will the vendor be prepared to dispose of less then 100% if suitable minority shareholder safeguards are agreed ?
8 The latter pointed out that , while there was a general process of restructuring , the way it worked out in practice was different from case to case and that therefore it was pointless to search for highly regular patterns .
9 ‘ It 's dangerous to drive with only one hand on the wheel , and I object to your touching me . ’
10 NGC 2477 is virtually inaccessible from most of Europe , but it is easy to find from more southerly latitudes , as it is close to Zeta .
11 It is instructive to look at where recent silks have come from .
12 It made Ianthe uncomfortable to think of so many people living alone .
13 Sit in the tranquil garden of the Hotel Ponte Sisto and it is easy to envisage times when this property was a monastery .
14 A network is likely to include at least one printer and may be able to communicate with other networks or electronic devices located far away .
15 Until a successful formula can be devised , local initiatives for youth are likely to continue with as much publicity as possible .
16 For a British army encamped on ancient Carthaginian ground , it was perhaps natural to enjoy without too many qualms some at least of the diversions which Livy suggested had got the better of the Carthaginians .
17 Preparing the soil in this way means that you are less likely to suffer from too many plant deaths where the roots of young plants have found it impossible to penetrate the soil .
18 Because of high fixed costs as a proportion of total costs any reductions of a hotel 's turnover , however small , are likely to lead to proportionately larger profit reductions .
19 There is a danger that projects may be undertaken not because they are likely to lead to academically interesting results , but simply because they are susceptible to computerisation .
20 People are likely to create at least one piece of paper when making an agreement of sufficient complexity to incorporate expert determination .
21 Thirdly , even if people were inclined to shop around actively for credit , the practices of lenders themselves are likely to set at least some limits to their ability to do this .
22 When he returned to college immediately following his discharge , he was lucky to escape with relatively minor punishment — the Master ordered one month 's gating and ninety pages of Greek translation — and was determined not only to drop his more unsuitable friends but , as in his first year at Cambridge , ‘ to write for all the Prizes ’ .
23 The personal decision horizon is likely to extend to around two years .
24 This is because regular heroin use is likely to result in both physical addiction and a major psychological dependence , and these consequences would keep prevalence at a high level long after any drop in the level of social deprivation .
25 But no matter how fluently you speak English you are likely to have at least some problems when you write it .
26 If this is correct , it may be asked why it is necessary to deal with the established , nominate torts at all , to which one can only respond that until the limits of the general tort are clearly established plaintiffs are likely to rely upon as many causes of action as they can , even though from our point of view it is untidy to have two or more torts rather than one .
27 This decree vested all powers in the SLORC , and required that a new constitution be drawn up ( by the SLORC ) and submitted to a referendum before the transfer to a civilian government — a process likely to take at least two years .
28 using such criteria it has become customary to distinguish at least four sources in the Pentateuch ( commonly designated J.E.D and P ) .
29 In more advanced economics , it is possible to deal with more complex versions of the multiplier-accelerator model which require knowledge of difference and differential equations .
30 Unfortunately , in the case of psychosis it is still unclear precisely what these additional factors are ; unlike , say , cardiovascular disease where it is possible to point to very particular things , such as smoking and diet .
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