Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [noun] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , it is possible to classify plants in the field by taking leaf samples and performing appropriate tests ( see Dirzo & Harper , 1982a ) and to categorize the plants into four groups Ac Li , Ac li , ac Li , ac li .
2 Strange to see Swindon in the snow and Sweden in bright sunshine .
3 Fortunately , at that time it was possible to combat complaints with the argument that it was necessary to control noise and nuisance .
4 In such cases it may be possible to induce cometabolism of the target compound , with a different , related compound simultaneously being metabolised .
5 If the E111 form was not obtained prior to departure , the medical costs are insured by the policy but it is possible to obtain recovery from the Department of Health and Social Security .
6 However , it has not yet been possible to obtain agreement on the need for specific regulation for construction liability and so the principle of subsidiarity continues to apply for the time being .
7 If you do want to portray an older figure , it would be preferable to try Hermione in The Winter 's Tale — she is a more fantastical character , without the added complications of historical authenticity , and so allows for greater flexibility of characterisation .
8 It may therefore be preferable to defer realisation of the loss ( see s18 TCGA 1992 ) .
9 Nor is it likely to be possible to infer motive from the outcome or likely outcome of a transaction , since the fact that a project yields less than optimal profits is an inherent risk in all business ventures and except in extreme cases will not reveal the existence of a non-profit goal .
10 Would it not be preferable to absorb infanticide into the doctrine of diminished responsibility and allow the prosecution to charge manslaughter in such cases ?
11 Due to sudden and unexpected problems the last Q.T. day had to have a shortened and condensed programme and it was not possible to provide tea at the end of the day .
12 Mr Heseltine is right to lecture recalcitrants like the AMDEA .
13 A new breed of archaeologist is emerging — more open-minded and willing to see significance in the detail of the countryside which is slowly disappearing .
14 We could see Jane Russell again at the Empire , or walk up to the Arcadian to see Sanders of the River .
15 In the August 1949 election the German people favoured the CDU ( 31 per cent ) over the SPD ( 29 per cent ) , and other parties too proved willing to support Adenauer for the Chancellorship .
16 Without studies of that kind , which we certainly do not have , it is proper to remain agnostic on the question of whether regional variations are of any significance .
17 For example , being prepared to kill others for the sake of one 's country — fatherland or motherland — or the act of ‘ falling in love ’ are both considered to be quite ‘ normal ’ acts in modern Western society .
18 Jacques 's visits to the LEAs and branches in the rural eastern counties confirmed his belief that without the continuing presence of high quality resident tutor-organisers in rural areas , few people would be prepared to accept responsibility for the organisation and maintenance of self-directing adult student groups in villages .
19 Shamir responded the next day by saying that Israel was a democracy and was not prepared to accept restrictions on the movement of its citizens .
20 We are not prepared to accept restrictions on the employer 's right to recruit the best qualified person for the job .
21 If you are prepared to accept appointment on the basis of the terms contained or referred to in this letter or the attached schedule , I shall be glad if you will sign one copy of the letter and return it to me .
22 Controlling either the monetary base or broad liquidity is difficult given that the Bank of England is always prepared to provide liquidity to the discount houses as lender of last resort .
23 First , it was particularly interesting to find changes in the IMHV after passive avoidance training because Gabriel Horn had already been able to identify this as a key brain region for imprinting .
24 Publishers are often willing to grant permission for the reproduction of music upon written application , or even by a telephone call , supported by a subsequent letter .
25 English Heritage , and some local authorities , may be willing to grant aid for the making of replacement railings .
26 I think that many of his readers would be prepared to bear witness to the sense that somewhere in there among the changing shapes is the usual nonpareil .
27 The food seller is willing to accept money in the knowledge that he in turn can use it in his purchases .
28 For example , the purchaser may consider that certain supplier contracts are essential to the business but at the same time is not willing to accept responsibility for the vendor 's debts to the supplier .
29 Wilson , like Bevin , was willing to accept over-commitment in the world in order to sustain the special relationship .
30 If you are willing to accept employment on the basis of the terms contained or referred to in this letter , will you please sign one copy and return it to me as soon as possible .
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