Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] [to-vb] the [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These results suggested that open complexes formed at the φ29 P A2b and P A3 promoters are unstable , and that initiated complexes are stable enough to resist the heparin challenge and give rise to elongation complexes .
2 Once a child could walk and had , through dire necessity , learned how to shed a wet pair of training pants and put on his snow suit , he would vanish into the street , not to be seen again until lunch time ; once he was tall enough to reach the refrigerator door handle , the problem of lunch was also solved — he could get it himself .
3 Thus a free-running rhythm indicates that the time-cues are not strong enough to entrain the body clock to a 24-hour period .
4 On 3 December , when the Soviet had survived fifty days , the government felt strong enough to arrest the Executive Committee and over 200 deputies and to destroy the organization .
5 By contrast , poorly-insulated subjects , especially if wet , have their rate of cooling dramatically increased by even light winds that are strong enough to disturb the boundary layer around them .
6 She had not been brutal enough to mention the office rumour and Ayling had not expected his words to be interpreted that way .
7 The CNAA 's provisional Committee for Art and Design was willing only to accept the Honours Associateship for a classified honours degree , and the Associateship for an unclassified degree .
8 One of the best known and most popular members of the Apistogramma genus is A.agassizii , a fish which is interesting enough to attract the cichlid enthusiast , but at the same time amenable to community care by the relative beginner .
9 The younger children , who had completed nine years of school but who were not quite old enough to join the Hechalutz training programme , combined a half-day study syllabus with agricultural work .
10 What a terrible indictment on the medical profession if it pillories those of its members who are brave enough to find the research evidence to support what many have suspected but few have challenged .
11 And Freud is careful here to use the word illusion .
12 The company has failed to convince the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate ( NII ) that the embrittlement of the steel reactor vessel was not serious enough to prevent the station reopening .
13 With a group of others , I was misguided enough to raid the school strawberry beds .
14 Children growing up in the 1950s and 1960s were fortunate enough to enjoy the Eagle comic every week .
15 Is it appropriate sometimes to finish the drama session with a game or an exercise which calms and focuses ?
16 It is very simple therefore to plug the suppressor in-line .
17 Carrier testing is also practicable in close relatives but — except in communities with a high frequency of particular mutations — carrier testing will not be practicable in the general population , including the unrelated spouses of known carriers , until it is possible cheaply to scan the hydroxylase gene for the many known mutations .
18 There were few children lucky enough to visit the cinema mid-week , as he so often did , and that made Frankie feel particularly privileged .
19 Should you arrive at a delicatessen counter when a salame is just being started or finished , you may be lucky enough to collect the end chunk which can be used to give extra flavour to spaghetti sauces or risotto-type dishes .
20 Because of the drive swapping the CONFIG.SYS file is stored in the uncompressed drive D. If you edit this file to REM out the DEVSWAP command you might be lucky enough to recover the ROM drive but I can not guarantee it .
21 Make sure these holes are large enough to accommodate the strain relief bushes to be fitted later .
22 Take another third of fondant ( about 450g/1lb ) and roll it out on a surface dusted with icing sugar or cornflour to a 30cm ( 12inch ) circle , large enough to cover the pudding basin cake .
23 The turnover may have to be greatly reduced in this situation until the young fish are large enough to withstand the water flow , so why employ it in the first place ?
24 The mere idea made her feel faintly sick , as well as excited , but not sick enough to refuse the apple pie and cream when it came .
25 Mafart 's illness can not have been very serious because he was well enough to sit the entrance examination to France 's elite School of War where he won a place in March 1988 .
26 Finally , Medau News readers will be happy to hear that Beryl Beddow 's thyroid operation was successful , and she was well enough to attend the Lilleshall Course in May .
27 The French foreign ministry report , says Digicipher may be good enough to make the compromise solution of D2 MAC unnecessary .
28 as if this were not bad enough , the great mudflow rolled on into the sea at the mouth of the Riviere Blanche , setting up a series of waves as it did so , one of which was powerful enough to capsize the yacht Precheur moored off the river mouth .
29 Long and slow , powerful enough to tear the heart right out of her .
30 Because literary texts exist in different editions it can be more helpful instead to note the chapter number , act and scene number , line number , etc. ( and of course , you should indicate the exact edition you are using ) .
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