Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] [subord] an [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Your own historical writing and thinking will be expected to distinguish between fact and interpretation and between statements of a descriptive rather than an analytical kind .
2 Morphology was a descriptive rather than an experimental science , but it was conducted in the laboratory rather than the field and could thus be presented as a symbol of modernization .
3 Whether or not his opinions actually percolated down to subordinate commanders many of them seemed to share his beliefs about keeping the French out , or at least , in an interesting reversal of roles in the First World War , treating France as an associated rather than an allied power .
4 Confusion arose when heads were unclear whether they were developing a social rather than an instructional milieu .
5 A recent report of the Institute of Directors on the professional development of directors ( 1990 ) led a spokesman to say that ‘ it is not surprising that many boards do an adequate rather than an excellent job ’ ( quoted in The Independent , 1990 ) .
6 Gravitational separation of helium from hydrogen is a self-regulating rather than an unstable process : the higher the temperature the greater the miscibility of helium and planetary temperatures increase towards the centre .
7 In his seminal study Wilderness and the American Mind , Roderick Nash makes the point that ‘ wilderness was a state of mind — a perceived rather than an actual condition of the environment . ’
8 Solid and supportive , he is direct and straightforward rather than an organisational game player .
9 This discussion brings out the care that is necessary in specifying assumptions about incidence , and the need for an explicit rather than an implicit model .
10 A classified rather than an alphabetical approach was necessary in the index because an internationally acceptable notation was important .
11 Understanding of the basic pathomechanisms in duodenal ulcer has been hampered by the absence of an experimental model that is truly chronic rather than an acute ulcer in which healing is delayed .
12 It largely disappears when literary texts are treated as cultural traces in a cognitive rather than an affective reading .
13 At the same time , the storage of information on computer systems can be an atomistic rather than an hierarchical phenomenon ; horizontal rather than vertical .
14 In the political sphere Dewey maintained an organic rather than an atomistic conception of society .
15 He believes that literary study has a cultural and humane rather than an intellectual value ; and the implication of his recent work is that there are other ways of attaining cultural value .
16 It is generally used in an exclusive rather than an inclusive sense .
17 Peter is now remembered principally for his scholarship , which was of a compilatory rather than an original nature .
18 Solutions in terms of this everyday discourse could have and may have been thought of by the client , who had come to the solicitor for a legal rather than an everyday solution .
19 Since then , however , the creating of life peers has lent it a meritocratic rather than an aristocratic character and governments need no longer fear the exercise of its blocking power to the same extent .
20 And once when Maman was fretting over his painful joints , I heard Jean-Claude retort that it was better being a physical rather than an emotional arthritic .
21 It is not at all unlikely that some pressure was put on women in these two key firms , but it may have been of a persuasive rather than an intimidating kind .
22 You describe yourself as an intuitive rather than an analytical collector ; has this changed at all over the years ?
23 Burgoyne and Clark(1984) describe the ‘ conscious parenthood ’ of step-parents as a rational rather than an emotional effort to be a ‘ good parent ’ compared with childrearing as a central and spontaneous activity for natural parents .
24 Similarly , some religious fundamentalisms classify all non-believers ( generally an ascribed rather than an achieved status ) as devilish .
25 Berle met with Canadian officials at the end of March 1944 , and told them that he liked their draft convention , but considered it a long-term rather than an immediate possibility .
26 In practice , inter-Service rivalry only becomes unbridled when there is a danger — real or anticipated — of the balance between the Services being upset ; or of the structure of one of them being changed in a revolutionary rather than an evolutionary way .
27 This can be successful especially where an imaginative approach to development is adopted .
28 Perhaps a military rather than an educational example is the simplest to use here .
29 One of the aspects we should consider in this debate is the necessity of taking a pragmatic rather than an ideological approach .
30 Lokri too has a Sicilian rather than an Italian flavour in the fifth century : a Lokrian , Agesidamos , was the only Italian to receive a victory ode from Pindar ( Olympian x ) .
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