Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] [verb] an [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the drowsy state there is very little coming in and yet the cortex is still relatively alert and demanding something to work on , although not alert enough to provide an effective inhibition of nonsense being offered by the senses .
2 Some of these early nautiloids occurred in such abundance that they are conspicuous enough to form an appreciable part of limestone formations — the ‘ Orthoceras Limestone ’ ( Ordovician ) is one of these , widely distributed through Scandinavia .
3 This meant that some of his own sons were already adult when he succeeded at the age of 35 : his eldest son Lothar was nearly 20 — old enough to provide an alternative focus of loyalty for aspiring nobles .
4 Nobody would be foolish enough to land an old ship like that in the middle of a war zone without a very good idea of how to defend it .
5 The British also established an Imperial Bureau of Entomology to look into ways of dealing with insect pests in their various colonies .
6 The implication of this report , that Sellafield was killing children , was serious enough to prompt an immediate government inquiry .
7 Finally , should the local researcher be fortunate enough to find an original document which has not been transcribed , and which he can not read , then professional help will be needed .
8 Evans Medical Limited already has an established reputation in the UK pharmaceutical market in biological products , generics and proprietary medicines .
9 If the accused seriously harms an arresting officer , without " maliciously " he would be guilty if he foresaw any harm at all .
10 Yet despite that , even in the 1950s neither the Conservatives nor Labour ever obtained an absolute majority of the votes , and today it is even clearer that there is no one majority party in British politics .
11 The open-air markets , held weekly in most major towns , are lively social gatherings at which you may be lucky enough to strike an excellent holiday bargain .
12 And the principles underlying it , despite short-term political bargaining over boundaries , were relatively simple , too : to have major services , councils had to have populations large enough to sustain an efficient delivery system ; to have strategic planning functions , still larger bodies were needed , to reflect the need to attract technically adequate staff and to interest political leaders of a sufficiently high calibre .
13 Queen Maria Luisa , wife of Charles IV , an unlovely , clever , deceitful and immensely powerful woman , is metamorphosed into a barn-owl , a lechuza , a word which in Spanish also means an ugly hag or a procuress .
14 As Lodgistix account manager Phillip Wanbon points out , different packages require different timescales for training , but he adds : ‘ We do guarantee to stay on site until we are fully satisfied that all the relevant personnel within the hotel or conference centre are competent enough to run an efficient operation with minimal help from us .
15 When considering Ernst 's equation , it is frequently found to be useful also to introduce an associated function Ε , defined by ( 11.11 ) With this , the line element ( 11.4 ) or ( 11.6 ) can be written in the alternative form ( 11.12 ) and the main equations ( 6.22d , e ) , or alternatively ( 11.7 ) , become .
16 Some people find it does them good psychologically to use an expensive preparation but it is possible to keep the skin soft and free from unpleasant dryness without spending a fortune .
17 Does Labour really expect an early election ?
18 She was mature enough to accept an olive branch , even if it was being handed out tongue in cheek .
19 Shearer explains : ‘ The fact that childhood has never been important enough to create an educational project around it shows how little thought is given to it . ’
20 Does n't it worry you that you have n't been able really to make an efficient crackdown here and your officers are still suffering attacks ?
21 But the emperor remained impassive on his dais and the Resident Superior merely raised an amused eyebrow in the direction of one of his colleagues .
22 Does he recall that he replied that he did not consider those circumstances grim enough to undertake an economic initiative for Paisley ?
23 It was difficult enough to find an appropriate way of treating Churchill 's funeral without having to cope with an actor who felt moved to speak about it on behalf of the youth of Britain .
24 Cooperation is rarely found to succeed amongst those who are unequal in material terms since it becomes difficult both to ensure an equal distribution of costs and benefits .
25 The historian G M Young once asked an ancient Tory why the party had distrusted Disraeli for so long .
26 Being young also has an indirect effect upon preparedness to break the law because young people are more likely to be rich , and , as we have seen , rich people are somewhat more prepared to break the law .
27 But I imagine even that is bright enough to recognize an extraordinary woman when it sees one . ’
28 Blue-blooded enough to take an active part in ruling the Venetian empire and having the family name inscribed in the Book of Gold .
29 The Princess Royal yesterday made an impassioned plea for help on behalf of the country 's six million carers .
30 The Anglo-Scots now field an under-21 team .
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