Example sentences of "[adj] [pers pn] [be] the [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And if anything fell into the category of being impossible it was the former BR standard pacific Duke of Gloucester .
2 She looked pudgier and more ordinary without make-up , and he was n't entirely sure she was the same girl .
3 I mean I 'm sure it 's the same claw cos it 's never grown back you see , when he 's had it cut off but what the vet was hoping was that the claw would grow back and the the top of of the tissue , see what I mean ?
4 Before you fit the new washer , make sure it 's the same size and type as the old one .
5 I 'm sure it 's the same section where Richard Nixon and Ted Heath went .
6 Sure enough , Lewis Luther , or whoever , turned up in full Airborne rig — I was pretty sure it was the same bike and I made a note of its number this time — and they did the business as they had at Holborn .
7 She paused before continuing , ‘ You are sure it was the same man ? ,
8 The model developed in chapter 4 suggested that only the unpredictable component of aggregate demand would cause output to deviate from its natural level , and the more unpredictable it was the less effect it would have on the deviation of real output from its natural rate .
9 It 's true it 's the same thing .
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