Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] out of the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He says we need to get private cars out of the city centre and make it into a place which is safe for pedestrians and cyclists , not polluted and where the buildings are n't being torn apart by traffic .
2 Mrs Stych clutched her groceries more tightly to her bosom and tried to heave her high heels out of the roots of the Frizzell grass .
3 For a few agonizing minutes the camera holds on her face as she experiences — she hardly seems to be enjoying — sexual attentions out of the range of the camera .
4 Some unexpected expense always seems to crop up when you least want it to and throws your careful calculations out of the window .
5 Susan , an unwonted flush on her pale cheeks , was picking up the wet things out of the grate .
6 Anyone getting it wrong drops out of the game .
7 The principal charges against Latimer were that he had made improper profits out of the campaign in Brittany and that he was responsible for the loss of Bécherel and Saint-Sauveur .
8 Only a good monitoring system would allow judgements to be made about the possibility of moving long-stay patients out of the asylums on a large scale .
9 A useful initiative taken at this time was the establishment of the Great Britain-East Europe Centre , designed to take cultural relations out of the hands of the ‘ Friendship Societies ’ which had restricted visitors from the ‘ People 's Democracies ’ to contact with groups of fellow-travellers in this country .
10 You go there every Wednesday before long they 'll ask you to run the library elbow a few old ladies out of the way !
11 To make the comparison fair , we should have to assume that built into each typist 's chair is a gun , wired up so that if he makes a mistake he is summarily shot , his place being taken by a reserve typist ( squeamish readers may prefer to imagine a spring-loaded ejector seat gently catapulting miscreant typists out of the line , but the gun gives a more realistic picture of natural selection ) .
12 Whether Nadirpur liked it or not , it would be impossible to keep either the British or the French police out of the affair .
13 I 'll get these damp sheets out of the way then fetch that drink . ’
14 There had been a bitter dispute in the college ever since a group of young fellows returning after the war had voted many of the old fellows out of the college offices they had held for a long time .
15 ‘ They 've stopped ringing because I pulled the bloody wires out of the wall .
16 For example : After payment of the Preference Dividend and the Preferred Dividend payable in respect of each financial year of the Company ( including any Arrears of the same ) the Company shall [ subject to provisions of clause … of the facility agreement ] pay to the Ordinary Shareholders out of the balance of any profits available for distribution a non-cumulative dividend of such amount as the Company shall determine ( but not exceeding the amount recommended by the Directors such recommendation to include the consent of the Investors ' Director ) on the capital from time to time paid up or credited as paid up on each Ordinary Share .
17 After that is over , the male slips out of the door and the female once again locks it with silk .
18 And he tries to keep his own personal tastes out of the decision .
19 Johnson & Johnson in Canada is currently making sanitary towels out of the stuff ( peat moss soaks up 12 times its own weight of liquid ) .
20 The rationale for the move , which was ardently opposed by the NIH 's management , was that arthritis was a victim of budgetary neglect — getting less than 70 million clearly identifiable dollars out of the NIH 's $4000 million mission for the year .
21 If depreciation is to be substituted for loan redemptions , then first of all the law must be changed , to take the principal repayments out of the revenue account so that they become balance sheet transfers as in business .
22 Juries were sworn to declare the bounds of the forests ; they based their returns in the main on the perambulations of 1298 and 1300 , which had put large areas out of the forest , and had many times been confirmed .
23 ‘ Oh Maisie , ’ thought Henry , ‘ you who are , even now , longing to get your fat little feet out of the ballet pumps that you will never wear gracefully , soon we will be free of her .
24 And more specifically , in this poem , the artist 's act of creativity is not some ‘ victory ’ , wresting beauteous elements out of the mire of the sub-conscious , but it occurs in instants of astute resignation , ‘ wise and abandoned ’ in Ian McEwan 's words , when the eternal act of creativity is acknowledged and the mind released to the currents of its progress .
25 To overcome this difficulty , the estimated cumulative proportion of ulcers relapsing on each treatment was calculated using life tables and the log rank test as described by Peto et al because this method uses the actual duration of the ulcer free period for each patient and allows any censored data to be incorporated into the calculation up to the point at which the patient drops out of the trial .
26 We threw the two white men out of the meeting .
27 To see a strange room with a view of white hills out of the window , and a sheathed sword propped against the table .
28 It was easy to move among this great , churning concourse , and hear all there was to be heard , and no great trick , for an intelligent man , to winnow the less likely rumours out of the crop , and be left with the grain .
29 The ill wind that blew one of the pre-tournament favourites out of the Selborne Salver sent a breath of good fortune over Mark Treleaven at a sun-drenched Blackmoor Golf Club on Saturday .
30 A similar mechanism may perhaps account for the fact that some group-living animals drive sick or injured individuals out of the group .
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