Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] for [art] time being " in BNC.

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1 He seemed to have resolved his sexual hang-ups for the time being and was content with his lonely existence .
2 The Land Acts of 1913 and 1936 would retain recognition of tribal lands for the time being , but the Population Registration Act , which classified race at birth , would be amended during constitutional negotiations .
3 Erm I 'm gon na have to manage with little ones for the time being .
4 These Ecotech-approved products will be marketed alongside existing products for the time being .
5 She realizes that she is as yet too selfish to be truly creative and puts off her artistic endeavours for the time being so that she can first learn the more humble task of interpretation .
6 As a sign of the future , Ernest Bevin , Minister of Labour , and one of the senior Labour Party ministers , said his party had rather different views on the matter , but would accept the general proposals for the time being .
7 Let us leave such vexatious matters for the time being . ’
8 Although a similar performance next year would be difficult , the valuation of the market is modest and analysts believe that Oslo will keep outperforming other European markets for the time being .
9 If the Carrier agrees to accept Dangerous Goods for carriage such goods must be accompanied by a full declaration of their nature and contents and be properly and safely packed and labelled in accordance with any statutory regulations for the time being in force for carriage by road .
10 Similarly , in Engineers ' and Managers ' Association v. ACAS ( 1980 ) the House of Lords by a majority held that ACAS had not acted unreasonably in postponing its statutory enquiries for the time being because another union was also seeking recognition and the plaintiff Association was also suing the Trades Union Congress .
11 It believes the two will operate as hostile , parallel technologies for the time being , but anticipates some kind of interoperability between them in future .
12 However , Kohl favoured the retention of a token presence in Germany by the three Western allies for the time being .
13 Well we 're probably alright for the other things for the time being , but we may need about the the Weber erm .
14 Fortunately East–West tensions had lessened sufficiently in Europe for the allies to live with these unresolved questions for the time being .
15 In this case , goods were sold subject to a retention of title clause ( condition 8:1 of the contract ) which provided : Title of each item of goods sold or agreed to be sold shall remain vested in the Company [ ie the sellers ] until the full purchase price and all additional charges relating to that item and all and any other monies for the time being owing by the customer [ ie the buyers ] to the Company shall have been paid in full to the customer ( and all products into which such items held by the customer ) ( and all products into which such items come to be converted or incorporated ) shall be and remain the property of the Company and shall be held by the customer as trustee for the Company but with liberty for the customer to pass title as the Company 's agent on its own account ( but subject to 8.2 below ) bona fide for full value in the normal course of the customer 's trading .
16 It is significant that security is sought not only for the purchase price of the goods but also for " all and any other monies for the time being owed by the customer to the Company " .
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