Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] from time to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the Heinkel , despite the enormous noise , Hess and Edward exchanged a few shouted words from time to time , their faces pressed close together .
2 He surfaces in different places from time to time : there he is at St Mary 's church in Finchley , North London , witnessing the marriage of sister Bessie and Alf Davidge in 1907 , then appearing as if from nowhere to perform the same function for Gertie and Frederick Foxwell in Norwich in 1911 .
3 So as far as this meeting 's concerned , erm , most of our meetings are basically business meetings , but we , we have tried and we will try to put in speakers and , and do different things from time to time , we had er , er a woman last time who 'd been to Central America recently and she gave us a very interesting talk on a visit to El Salvador and Guatamala , erm , and we , we 'd like to do that more often , but , but what we do really erm , to begin with any rate , is we go th we go through the , the headings on this sheet , on the , on the minutes , we use them as headings for others and erm , items on the agenda and er some may have more to say than others and there are one or two not on there which we 'll pop in as we go along .
4 The best known of these studies , internationally , is the now well established Values and Life Styles ( VALS ) approach pioneered by the Stamford Research Institute in California , and licensed to various European market research agencies ( in the UK , Applied Futures Ltd ) ; a number of others have been promoted by different interests from time to time , notably the Europe-wide RISC studies .
5 In the absence of a written constitution the power and duty of the judges to control the quality of the administration of justice in the courts of this country were derived largely from ancient custom subject to express mandates from time to time by the Crown , as in 1292 , and the way in which they superintended the disciplinary processes of the Inns of Court was an important feature of the way in which they performed that duty and exercised that power .
6 He is a modes man who appears genuinely bemused by the British reaction to him : ‘ I have always been impressed by British democracy and the irony is that — although I have differences with the British leaders from time to time — I sometimes feel my kind of federalism is better understood in Britain than by some of the federalists elsewhere in Europe who always cry , onwards , onwards ! ’
7 Squatting , tossing back his black curly locks from time to time , he was chatting to his elderly accompanist : ‘ I think we should have the Bach . ’
8 If another cat is given a much more interesting and varied diet , with a different kind of canned food each day and many other titbits , then , paradoxically , it may refuse one of its old , favourite foods from time to time .
9 At its peak in 1792 the LCS had around 800 active members with a further 5,000 attending its divisional meetings from time to time .
10 Whatever reservations there may be about individual decisions from time to time , the basic premise that most planning decisions should be taken locally has never been seriously challenged .
11 Despite ritualistic genuflections from time to time towards the value of local democracy , it was assumed that the purpose of local government was more or less consensually agreed to be the local delivery of a set of services enshrined in centrally determined statutes .
12 A junior hacksaw : You 're likely to have to tackle some small metal-cutting jobs from time to time .
13 During week-ends I have two part-time helpers and I also have a couple of part-time helpers from time to time .
14 By imperial unification they meant at this time a federal union of Britain and the white dominions , a scheme differing little in its essentials from other schemes of imperial union which had occupied the minds of the British political classes from time to time during the latter part of the nineteenth century .
15 I 'd have joined him in the Abacos if he 'd asked me , little holidays from time to time .
16 To say that human beings from time to time have sexual intercourse , and that this is because they have sexual instincts , is as circular as the argument about hunger .
17 He gave me a few quick , curious glances from time to time as I slowly sipped my coffee , but he did not appear to have heard any of the rumours .
18 The main ones were post-war reconstruction , a productivity gap between the USA and the rest which drew American dollars and know-how into Europe and Japan , a sharp upward shift in peacetime levels of public expenditure ( caused by defence needs and welfare transfer payments ) and the absence of general synchronisation in the downswings which occurred in the major economies from time to time .
19 As we negotiated the slippery rungs of that staircase , there were always a few interested bystanders with nothing better to do than shout encouraging remarks from time to time , but we soon learnt to ignore them .
20 Though flowers may more often be purple than blue , it makes sense to try blue coloured objects from time to time rather than to concentrate exclusively on purple .
21 They exchanged meaningful glances from time to time — and it was apparent that his brother was as troubled as he by the disturbing events .
22 However just a government may be , it is liable to pass undesirable and morally objectionable laws from time to time .
23 Similarly , just as sociologists or some of them , develop revolutionary tendencies from time to time , so too do poets from Wordsworth to Blok .
24 " From below " , provincial churchmen in the various kingdoms from time to time demanded authoritative rulings , arbitration , and leadership , to maintain their churches ' own new-won institutional integrity , or to fight more particular battles involving the interests of ecclesiastical individuals or groups ; and lay persons sought the pope 's protection .
25 Horrible scraping noises from time to time .
26 William Thwaite was paid for repairing underground shoes from time to time .
27 Nevertheless banks do enter into Back-to-Back Credits from time to time , each case is treated on its merits .
28 Maureen answered straight away , and listened eagerly , giving excited squeaks from time to time as her niece brought her up to date on everything that had happened .
29 This is part of the normal regime — they have to arrange among themselves the cleaning , etc. , and also have to do other manual jobs from time to time for example yesterday , they all had to go out and plant castor oil seeds in the campus grounds .
30 Sunnyvale , California-based Boole & Babbage Inc is to buy back up to 250,000 common shares from time to time in the market time for employee stock option and stock purchase .
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