Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] have [adv] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Social reasons have also been important in the debate on regional policies .
2 Social and cultural values have clearly been different in Britain from those in , say , Germany or the USA .
3 ‘ Against a background of recession and unemployment , the crucial nature and value of area partnerships between the private and public sectors have never been clearer .
4 First , historically the links between genetics and commercial concerns have always been close .
5 Hitherto , the ecumenical gatherings had chiefly been concerned with theological issues , even if matters of discipline such as the manner of determining the date of Easter had crept in .
6 Commercial banks have generally been able to provide the finance necessary to support the huge increase in investment because they have collected substantial deposits from savers .
7 From a theoretical point of view , social psychologists have often been unhappy in dealing with cognitive ambivalence .
8 Violence of different kinds has certainly been endemic in sport and fighting between groups of players or spectators is nothing new .
9 British governments have often been feeble ; Israel 's often decisive , even fierce .
10 The best British films have always been those that transcended these artificial oppositions .
11 In the past , chartered accountants have also been able to charge higher rates because of their qualification , but this premium has been put under increasing pressure at the smaller end of the market because of the recession .
12 Manufacturers based in the British market have generally been hard-hit ; the penetration by foreign products and incoming foreign producers has never been greater .
13 Since 1914 only ten British officers had ever been six times decorated for gallantry and one of these , Braham , who in 1951 was awarded the AFC for hazardous developmental work on all-weather fighter aircraft , uniquely achieved a seventh decoration .
14 One of the points to emerge in later chapters will be that eminent scientific figures have rarely been typical representatives of the religious traditions in which they were nurtured .
15 Because of the second world war , this never came to pass , but its generous boundaries have always been dear to the heart of Croatia 's president , Franjo Tudjman .
16 Few British juries had ever been happy ‘ to equate ordinary sexual desire with depravity ’ , as the Working Party would have had it , but Williams a decade later was equally wrong in assuming that the 1959 test was therefore null and void .
17 Different hands have obviously been involved in this great polyptych .
18 Social anthropologists have largely been interested in explaining the incest taboo itself .
19 Meanwhile , some European companies have long been successful at the world super-company level ( table 3 ) .
20 ‘ Such daring coups have always been difficult , my friend ! ’ was Salvo 's triumphant reply .
21 Productivity-enhancing research and development in many lesser developed countries have often been harmful , where they have been accessible to farmers of those areas .
22 Several comparable Government-funded libraries have recently been successful in obtaining ‘ one-off ’ grants from Scottish Office Departments for retrospective conversion , and I now recommend that Bob Crossman and I work together on putting forward a request for such funding from SO:AFD .
23 The attitude of the rich world to such appalling figures has always been ambiguous .
24 This suggests that the Moon , or at least the outer 200 km or so , has never been flexible enough to reach hydrostatic equilibrium and therefore that these outer regions have always been cold .
25 Pay for leading art-historians has always been lower in Britain than in the United States , but the brain drain has got worse .
26 Thus , the worries about the nature of resource misallocation which have been instrumental in influencing national policies have also been important in determining the shape of EC policy .
27 He wanted a reserved figure because previous applicants had all been loud and pushy .
28 What kind of relationship did they have with erm white tenants Has there been much racial tension in the flats or has that been insignificant
29 This fall in operative trainees has primarily been due to the reduced demand following the recession in construction activity since the property collapse of 1973 .
30 Generation of standard useful attitudes has always been one of the main purposes of military training .
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