Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] and [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 tt right , yeah , incomes have risen throughout the world and that impacts both on the demand for agricultural products and also the demand for manufactured products but what do we know about demand elasticities for those two products , income elasticities what 's the income elasticity of manufactured goods ?
2 Electronic systems are very often concerned with processing weak signals and sometimes the nonlinearity involved is sufficiently slight for quite large signals to qualify as small enough for the purpose of linear analysis .
3 The Leger Gallery was founded in 1892 by Joseph Leger , whose activities were ‘ modest as a dealer in the period up to the end of the Great War and typical of an age in which there were few private clients and virtually no museum purchases ’ astonishing in view of the purchasing possibilities at the time .
4 Now we have taken advice from several chartered surveyors and indeed the developer of the existing Clifton Moor industrial estate on this issue .
5 Young children have very different temperaments and so the style of management of one child may not suit another .
6 It is proposed to extend the car parking facilities with improved amenities and probably a café replacing the old caravan snack bar .
7 In this sense , animals ( and we might add primitive peoples and even the environment ) are sui generis ; they are perfect of their kind .
8 Marsh observed that companies tend to retain the services of their financial advisers over extended periods and therefore the underwriting is but one of many such financial services .
9 The relative prices of timber and steel vary greatly in different countries and also the price of timber itself varies from that of rough timber , which may be much cheaper than steel , up to expensive plywoods which cost far more than steel sheet .
10 His fingers felt the division between the old floorboards and then the cross-cut which marked the edge of a trapdoor .
11 Dave served in both the New Zealand and British Armies and then the enforcement branch of the New Zealand Wildlife Service .
12 And there were times indeed , I think , that the effect of the very strong resistance to public-expenditure cuts and then the promulgation of an alternative economic strategy , which I myself was much concerned with , did have a very considerable effect .
13 Individual scientists or groups of scientists are invited to develop the protective belt in any way they choose , provided their moves offer the opportunity of fresh tests and hence the possibility of new discoveries .
14 Cos they did n't thunk too much beyond rumbles and scavvying and the scarring ceremonies and maybe a squirm together when they got high .
15 Successful conservation may well imply a cutback in commercial crops and therefore a reduction in foreign exchange on which the state elite depends for its imported luxuries , foreign travel and education .
16 This takes the form of light therapy with daylight-simulating lightboxes and sometimes the use of non-sedative anti-depressants .
17 The changing patterns of incidence of gastric carcinoma may , in part , be related to changes in smoking habits and perhaps a change in incidence of H pylori infection .
18 Medical diagnosis involves social skills ( Melhuish , 1979 ) but as discussed earlier the basis and development of these skills is not dissimilar from other cognitive skills and correspondingly the training can follow the same principles ( Singleton et al . ,
19 As well as finding coins you 'll come across poison apples , extra weapons and even a thing that turns the screen upside down !
20 He sits across the table from Mrs Thatcher and her team , which can be a mixture of people from the Downing Street Private Office , the Policy Unit and the Cabinet Office , with one or two personal advisers and sometimes a Treasury minister .
21 The business in the example , it should be pointed out , is likely to be a retailer as there is no manufacturing capacity in the fixed assets and thus an opportunity is provided for the teacher to explore with the students the expected differences in the structure of assets and liabilities between different industries .
22 virtually all the early canals and probably a majority of the later ones , were overwhelmingly local in both promotion and finance …
23 There were whoops and cheers , mock kissing attempts , challenges to put names on the masked faces and then a song .
24 Walking upstream , the finest aspect of Ben Nevis is revealed : an intimidating succession of cliffs and rock buttresses 2000 feet high and riven by fearful gullies and palpably the preserve of expert cragsmen only .
25 Rock is n't the art form of the chattering classes and only a minority of its practitioners have any expertise in elucidating a rigorous conceptual rationale for their work .
26 Sprays produced by taps and showers also produce fine aerosols and here the person at risk is one close to the source of aerosol production .
27 near the church , the mere , a large expanse of water fed by natural springs and formerly a mill pond , is a picturesque area attracting many birds to overwinter , whilst in summer whole families are to be seen feeding the ducks .
28 For adult offenders the picture showed little change from previous years and indeed the number of sentenced adult male prisoners had increased .
29 The degree of adaptation to these seasonal stimuli and therefore the proportion of larvae which do become arrested seems to be a heritable trait and is affected by various factors including grazing systems and the degree of adversity in the environment .
30 A broad constitutional framework is created , with a limited number of mandatory requirements , some optional features and then a range of matters on which the framework operates unless the related contract specifically provides otherwise .
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