Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] be [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , the only way in which a society can come to terms with its conflicting values is to prefer one value in some circumstances and another in different conditions .
2 This is a study undertaken by Michael Roe of the University of Plymouth following recognition in commercial circles in Western Europe that Eastern European states were operating unfair practices in the administration , a particular concern of EC member states of the effects on their own hauliers .
3 When they realised that our combined ages was nudging 150 years , one wag said that if he reached our age he would settle for soloing over a stile !
4 At the same time it is no less obvious that the very purpose of criticism levelled at those who have the conduct of public affairs by their political opponents is to undermine public confidence in their stewardship and to persuade the electorate that the opponents would make a better job of it than those presently holding office .
5 Nevertheless volcanic bombs were hurled this distance compared with a mere 25 miles from the more publicized Krakatoa eruption .
6 Many European cities , many European cities are making great efforts , Strasbourg , Brussels , Barcelona , leading cities within Europe .
7 For the first time local Labour parties were given some sense of common identity , which had been lacking on the political wing since the disaffiliation of the ILP .
8 Apart from increasing our understanding of normal colonic motility patterns , prolonged recordings are providing useful information about different pathological conditions .
9 One of the two batallions making up the Scots Guards is disbanded next month .
10 Many private schools were offering easy payment terms and accepting credit cards .
11 He said the radial trucked cars were causing excessive wear on the junction and curves at the ‘ Robin Hood ’ .
12 The elections for it were promised for the following year and already by the time of the secretary of state 's television broadcast in early September both the NIO and the Ulster political parties were evolving respective plans .
13 This is why collections by the provisionals in public houses were having partial success in the 1970s without too much interference by the Garda , the Republic 's police force .
14 The last-minute outbidding by opportunist builders is costing ordinary buyers a small fortune in lost fees .
15 Although day-care programmes are gaining increasing recognition , most patients who are moderately or severely ill are still admitted to hospital .
16 They believed that high levels of government spending were pre-empting resources that could have been used more productively in the private sector , that high taxes were stifling private enterprise , and that the abolition of the complex system of government regulations , interventions , and subsidies would unleash a new wave of private initiative and energy .
17 English Estates was given increased funds for extending its workshop programme , and a simpler government grant system was introduced : the three existing grants have been replaced by a single ‘ city grant ’ with simpler application procedures .
18 As for the future of schools themselves , one effect of a report requiring a massive expenditure of public funds was to turn political attention ( by those to the right of centre ) away from threatening plans for universal social security towards the milder , and less expensive , alternative of educational reform .
19 Their bureau is normally 10 miles away in Bridgewater but , with the agreement of Quantock 's management , two three-hour weekly sessions were established ten weeks before the closure of the plant .
20 Distinguished foreigners were appointed Corresponding Members ; there were fifty-five in 1854 .
21 Cervical and caudal alae are flattened wing-like expansions of the cuticle in the oesophageal and tail regions .
22 Richard Agutter , head of Peat 's merger and acquisition network , said the relatively low average values indicated that British companies were making cross-border deals for strategic reasons ‘ rather than going for the mega-deals ’ .
23 A SELF-support group , set up to help family and friends of compulsive gamblers is holding weekly meetings in Carnhill Resource Centre .
24 The underlying cultural patterns anthropologists seek means the implications offered by changing historical circumstances are given insufficient attention .
25 An attractive arrangement where light permits is to have one curtain with a heading fixed in a closed position and tie the curtain fairly tightly in the centre of the window with bows .
26 But many seals and otters are now dying on inaccessible rocks and today 's high winds are preventing any rescue attempt .
27 This follows reports that foreign companies are using dangerous pesticides in places where safety precautions are impossible , and that other companies are still promoting drugs that are banned or controlled in Europe and the US .
28 The example cited is the impossibility of auditors ' giving an opinion on the code recommendation that non-executive directors are to bring independent judgment to bear on issues of strategy , performance , and so on .
29 There is some pattern in that commercial matters are given greater freedom , while issues pertaining to the military are subject to greater control .
30 At a time when English officialdom has been worrying about the fact that some among their top youngsters are playing more golf than is good for them , Stevely has had the same feelings where his own pupils are concerned .
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