Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [adv prt] of [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To make some sense of this vast range , and to understand how the variables can be employed to make useful , but considerably different products out of the same basic chemicals , it is necessary to classify products according to their general function in the food environment .
2 Mr Shekhar came to power last November by leading 60-odd defectors out of the ruling Janata Dal , and forming a minority government with the support of Congress .
3 A pale yellow lustre was growing low down in the east , making feathery silhouettes out of the black stands of trees along the bends in the river .
4 In other words , different groups of people will get different things out of the same advertisement .
5 Possibly , too , the building trade was invaded by a new class of speculator who made conditions even worse than they need have been by extracting high profits out of the unprecedented demand for cheap houses .
6 Part of herself , she thought , was killed , a tender , budding part ; the daisy-crowned young girl who would stay behind to haunt the old house , to appear in mirrors where the new owner expected the reflection of his own face , to flash whitely on dark nights out of the prickly core of the apple tree .
7 Otmoor was notorious as a place in which to get lost , and verses celebrate how the curfew rung on winter nights from Charlton church guided travellers out of the intractable moor .
8 The auctioneer , however , does not warrant the vendor 's title in the case of a sale of specific goods ( or unascertained goods out of a specific bulk ) which the purchaser knows do not belong to the auctioneer .
9 As with section 6 , it is important to remember the difference between unascertained goods out of a specific bulk ( e.g. Howell v. Coupland ) and purely generic goods .
10 Equally , a contract for the sale of unascertained goods out of a specific bulk will not be frustrated by the perishing of the bulk if this occurs after risk has passed to the buyer .
11 Unascertained goods out of a specified bulk — e.g. ‘ 500 tons of wheat from the cargo of 1,000 tons on the ‘ Challenger . ’ ’
12 This is possible where , as in Sterns v. Vickers , the contract is for the sale of unascertained goods out of a specified bulk .
13 The following morning he brought the two black bulls out of the stable and went to start the ploughing .
14 What caused a crop of broken limbs , however , was his brainwave of making men do backward rolls out of a 15-cwt. truck speeding across the desert at 30 miles per hour .
15 In the Grundrisse manuscript of 1857–8 , Marx discussed social development in greater detail , on the basis of a wider historical knowledge which is no longer confined to Europe ; it is in this work that the concept of ‘ Asiatic society ’ is introduced , and as Hobsbawm ( 1964 , p. 32 ) remarked there now seem to be three or four alternative routes out of the primitive communal system : the oriental , the ancient , the Germanic ( or more broadly , feudal ) , and less clearly articulated , the Slavonic .
16 Further south , Abdallah 's troops quickly occupied Bethlehem and Hebron when the Jews pushed Egyptian forces out of the central southern sector in October .
17 First quarter results , while down a drastic 80% compared with the same quarter last year , at least showed a profit of $0.8 million , notching up DG 's second profitable quarter in a row and making six profitable quarters out of the last eight .
18 This requirement to keep nuclear weapons out of the southern part of the western hemisphere is reinforced by Protocol 11 of the treaty .
19 Though the Dwarfs were forced to live in a virtual state of siege , they gradually managed to clear the Night Goblins and other evil creatures out of the upper levels .
20 This person , I thought , is what a woman should look like : this figure sitting opposite me with food and drink and companions manages to represent without acquired coquetry or self-diminishing selfconsciousness the very essence of femininity , the quality bestowed in at least some measure upon mother , sister , wife , daughter , the power which in its apparent passivity is most naturally creative and dynamic , the sweetness which belongs to the rhythms of earth and moon and song and dance , the ideal which tempers the brutishness and vulgarity and wanton egotism of man as he plunders our planet , napalms distant villages , pollutes the great oceans and corrupts every healing dream that has ever been wrenched by noble minds out of the bleak absurdities of this brief and cruel existence .
21 ‘ This person , I thought , is what a woman should look like : this figure sitting opposite me with food and drink and companions manages to represent without acquired coquetry or self-diminishing self-consciousness the very essence of femininity , the quality bestowed in at least some measure upon mother , sister , wife , daughter , the power which in its apparent passivity is most naturally creative and dynamic , the sweetness which belongs to the rhythms of earth and moon and song and dance , the ideal which tempers the brutishness and vulgarity and wanton egotism of man as he plunders our planet , napalms distant villages , pollutes the great oceans and corrupts every healing dream that has ever been wrenched by noble minds out of the bleak absurdities of this brief and cruel existence .
22 One of the wards in Easton is ranked tenth highest in the number of households with use of only outside flush toilets out of the seventy wards which comprise the two district councils .
23 That is what stokes their desire to flee ( if only the damned rand were not so low , and the idea of settling in Ealing so bloody depressing ) ; what scares the living daylights out of the lovely green suburbs .
24 Make six small balls out of the red marzipan trimmings , each about the size of a pea , and press them gently into the red base , spacing evenly apart .
25 Yet systematic exclusion of women from higher education can only be seen as having forced the great majority of capable women out of the intellectual mainstream .
26 Yellow men out of the white curtain of light .
27 Rachel Whiteread constructs concrete images out of the invisible space surrounding everyday objects .
28 Jos took six plastic-flighted darts out of a dirty half-pint beer mug and , handing three to Mungo , said : ‘ Middle for diddle . ’
29 They took all the new curtains out of the Chinese room and put up old ones instead . "
30 By lifting these and other examples out of the compelling context of the stories in which they are embedded and analysing just how they are weaved in you will probably be able to see how , in the compelling story you are contemplating , a similar device can be used .
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