Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [v-ing] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Walking through Ricky 's woods , Daisy noticed ruby-red sticky buds thrusting out on the chestnuts , although many of the trees still clung on to their shrivelled brown leaves .
2 Suddenly , blood sacrifice and small armed groups rising up against the state seemed worthy of three cheers .
3 She frequently sat up in the wee sma' hours staring out of the window .
4 There was deposition in large alluvial fans stretching out from the mountains in the south and the north-east into the flat plain .
5 The sight of the European Community 's civilised , like-minded nations bickering on about the pros and cons of more joint government , with ethnic war on their doorstep and a great deal to achieve across a newly opened continent , would seem absurd to any visiting Gulliver .
6 Every now and then , one of the tall waves thundering in from the open ocean carries within it a dark sinister presence .
7 The place was n't huge by country house standards — two storeys , twenty-something rooms — but its main entrance was a covered carriage porch with stone pillars and broad steps leading up to the doors .
8 Asa braked at the foot of broad steps leading up to the front entrance , walls and towers rising above them .
9 There had been some hefty wooden icons hanging up on the walls , and , if they had burnt , then there would have been something left of them lying around on the floor .
10 In the litigation in the English Courts arising out of the collapse of the International Tin Council the question was raised whether the Tin Council had a cause of action against its own members .
11 Even the wooden steps leading up to the door were rotten .
12 The kind of farcical spectacle pop has n't provided for a while , it had everything from Radio 1 getting in a tizzy about whether to ban it to TOTP carrying drug warnings , from ageing DJs singing along to the chorus to ageing rockers ( Francis Rossi of Status Quo ) crawling out of the woodwork to condemn it .
13 At the top of the spiral staircases are two wooden trapdoors leading on to the battlements .
14 And it 'll be a cool afternoon , temperatures around nine degrees celsius , that 's forty eight fahrenheit , with light winds coming in from the east .
15 This barrier seems to be impermeable : it is unlikely that we shall ever be able directly to detect tachyons ( although there are some interesting ideas floating about concerning the consequences were we able to ) .
16 The smell was terrible , despite the fresh breezes wafting in from the river .
17 This will allow before and after studies of accidents to be made , this enabling the success rate of remedial actions developing out of the accident analysis to be measured .
18 Scotch Whisky is inseparable from Scotland … of all the spirits mankind has distilled , refined and enhanced from nature 's huge store of goodness , Scotch Whisky is the noblest … a distillation of the natural riches with which Scotland is so abundantly endowed … clear waters tumbling down from the hills and across the moors , though peat and over granite … fields of golden barley … the cool , pure air .
19 The village is surrounded by vines , but it is those behind Sacy on steeply climbing , northeast-facing slopes leading up to the Bois de la Fosse which are the most favourably located .
20 She did n't know much about art before but there was an exhibition of my Old Masters going on at the Royal Academy and she saw that , and was very enthusiastic about it , especially the Holbein portrait of Henry VIII .
21 Originally , the kitchen was dark and narrow , but the architect who helped with the structural changes suggested that if the living room and the kitchen swapped places they could have a large kitchen with French windows opening on to the garden .
22 Main picture : French windows opening on to the garden let plenty of light in to the kitchen — where practicality has n't been sacrificed for style
23 There were mounted men spilling out of the defiles and patches of dead ground on both sides of the plain .
24 There are several where headlands with steep sides reaching down to the sea just have a wall across the neck .
25 There are several where headlands with steep sides reaching down to the sea just have a wall across the neck .
26 I share John Main 's concerns , as reflected in MG Minutes of 7. ix.93 , over the volume and nature of public enquiries coming in to the Garden , because many of them are now being directed to the Library .
27 My parents collected all their copies of Wimpey News and we have back numbers going back to the 1940s .
28 Thou Shalt Not Spy on thy Mother 's Old Schoolfriends Parading around in the Nude .
29 By far the more important comprised rivers flowing down from the Kunlun Mountains in the regions of Khotan and Yarkand on the south-eastern margin of the great basin containing the Taklamakan Desert .
30 The displays include scientific instruments dating back to the 16th century , a comprehensive collection of early chemical apparatus , watches and clocks , medical instruments , the original penicillin apparatus and Einstein 's blackboard .
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