Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [v-ing] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He eventually slumps back into his seat , his smarting face and aching eyes reminding him of the misled thought journey that took him back round to before where he started .
2 From time to time , too , Jenna caught Alain 's dark eyes watching her through the driving mirror , and she was greatly relieved when they began to skirt Paris .
3 A policewoman with long experience in dealing with sexual abuse did express the opinion that policemen can sometimes be more effective than women in encouraging very young male victims to talk about their experiences : and this policewoman was in favour of male colleagues joining her at the RUC 's specialist sexual abuse unit .
4 He must have a suitcase of handkerchiefs , Trent thought as he met the Latino 's cold eyes studying him over the crisp white linen barricade .
5 Leith , with two very large problems staring her in the face — the mortgage and Naylor Massingham , despite his action yesterday still there metaphorically breathing down her neck — thought a denial preferable to dampening her mother 's present happy frame of mind .
6 Pig iron you know er pig iron was what they had I 've seen them pouring furnaces pouring it onto the pig beds , and you know when I was a kid when we lived in Caldmore from about half past nine at night all across West Bromwich , Wednesbury all over that area , you 'd see the sky light up and it was due to the pouring of er pouring the pig iron .
7 She 's off , her long legs carrying her down the lane .
8 Overall , there are several major issues confronting us on the media front right now .
9 The risks to his person were already great simply coming down the nearly straight avenues from the Palaţul Primaverii to the Central Committee building , but the imaginary dangers threatening him in the area to the west of the hill were too great to be contemplated .
10 One of the most important questions facing us in the field of procedural protection is whether we are prepared to think more broadly about what procedural protection connotes .
11 They sat on vinyl-upholstered chairs facing her across the desk .
12 Thus , a use of eloquent formal language , a confident employment of a literary heritage , and a preoccupation with either metaphysical themes or the large issues of state of especial interest to those in the governing classes are normally upheld as critical sign-posts directing us to the period 's ‘ greatest ’ writing .
13 This was protected on the landward side by the Portsea Lines but the garrison would be harassed by small boats taking them in the rear via the channel between Portsea and Hayling Island .
14 ‘ Too soft you are , girl , ’ Win Morgan broke her bread into small pieces soaking them in the soup , ‘ ca n't be responsible for the whole neighbourhood , can you ?
15 Riders from the Empire sent word to Bretonnia , Kislev , and the southern kingdoms warning them of the inevitable approach of the armada .
16 Then he slipped into a deep sleep , and all at once the warm feeling of happiness deserted him and his stomach heaved as he recognised the same old nightmare returning : the walk along the jetty , the cruel hands dragging him to the edge , the utter helplessness as they lowered him into the icy water , the wave that broke over his head — and at last , that terrible choking sensation .
17 Bartram had insisted that this differed from the candleberry , Myrica cerifera , while Miller had found other authors ranging it with the Liquidambar , ‘ so I shall be much obliged to you , if you can send me a perfect specimen , that I may determine its proper genus . ’
18 She was barely aware of the other models joining her on the platform , followed by Rainmondo himself , something he did only for very important clients .
19 Fleeing the slaughter , he hid himself in Hamilton Kirk where : ‘ A number of other fugitives following him into the church were pursued by the dragoons , who , regardless of their cries for mercy , butchered them in the sacred place . ’
20 Do you know if she has any other young men courting her at the moment ? ’
21 Putting them up in the wires and other men putting them on the hot plates to fire .
22 In November 1941 they became 101 Troop of 6 Commando , with Lieutenant Smith in command , and were attached to the naval shore base HMS Lynx , from which they operated , with MTBs , submarines , or other carriers taking them to the area of their target beaches .
23 It had a large nave with massive columns separating it from the aisles ( 92 and 93 ) .
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