Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [vb past] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Subsequent Georgian investigations produced a different version of events .
2 Towards the end of the campaign , Mrs Thatcher 's actions in attacking Heseltine personally and especially her allegation that he would introduce Labour policies gave an unfortunate impression of panic — reminiscent of ‘ Wobbly Thursday ’ during the 1987 general election campaign .
3 As soon as the aerial bombing of Iraq started on the night of Jan. 16-17 the Israeli authorities imposed a strict curfew throughout the West Bank and Gaza Strip .
4 WG 's last interim accounts included an extraordinary charge of just under £0.5m , covering legal costs relating to the case .
5 The UK 's growth of total exports showed the slowest growth of any of 19 Industrial Market Economies for much of the last 25 years ( World Bank , 1989 ) ; however , through the mid 1980s the decline of the UK 's share of world trade was arrested at the level of about 8 per cent .
6 The Pakistani authorities banned the proposed protest on Feb. 6 , and on Feb. 7 deployed 40,000 security personnel along the border and blockaded roads in and out of the Azad Kashmir capital of Muzaffarabad ; nevertheless , 7,000 JKLF supporters set off from the city on Feb. 11 .
7 Help in maintaining the prices of agricultural products became a permanent feature of government policy from this time .
8 Disenchantment with exchange rate flexibility and the recognition that inflation can not be controlled through uncoordinated monetary policies generated the political will in France and Germany to press for the formation of a regional monetary system .
9 A massive interview program convinced Mayo that informal working groups created a social environment that greatly influenced the productivity of the employees .
10 Islamic states interrupted the planned order of speeches and stood up one after the other to back his call for an immediate appeal to the Security Council .
11 It is now clear that the construction of the small-town defences provided an additional influence on their morphological development , depending upon the inclusion or exclusion of particular areas .
12 These Scudéry-influenced romances played an important part in the genesis of the English novel .
13 The normal subjects displayed a biphasic response with coordinate increases in both serum and urine APGPR immunoeactivity both occurring within the first two hours after the meal .
14 Agricultural pesticides had a devastating effect on numbers during the 50s and early 60s but since certain chemicals have been banned the figure has risen to around 1,050 pairs .
15 The invitation to the conference warned that , unless the democratic forces in the Allied nations followed the Russian example and insisted on general peace negotiations , the new Russian Government could be forced into a disastrous separate peace with Germany .
16 On 25 February , the Germans gained their greatest triumph of the battle when advance units penetrated the great fort of Douaumont and , finding many of the ill-armed French soldiers asleep through exhaustion , seized the citadel without loss of life .
17 Tremayne with pursed lips offered no direct opinion .
18 European nations had a common interest in opening the world to commerce .
19 The Migration period which intervened between the decline of Rome and the emergence of European nations witnessed a marked change in the way garnets were used to embellish gold work .
20 Thus the councillors for non-county boroughs , urban districts and rural districts had a limited range of responsibilities ; separate elections were held to choose county councillors .
21 But the French referendum on closer European ties left a huge headache for Premier John Major , currently EC president and still reeling from last week 's pound crisis .
22 ECONOMIC indicators threw a rosy tint on the prospects for recovery today with polls showing businessmen more confident and consumers taking on more credit , while a leading pundit predicts a further 1pc interest rate cut this year .
23 In addition to the group of economists who confirm the recovery , the government 's own composite of leading economic indicators showed a bullish increase on Friday .
24 In our patient it seems probable that the low concentrations reflected the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency .
25 Experiments with exogenous compounds showed a good correlation between amounts added and amounts measured .
26 As long ago as May 1989 , at the International Radio Consultative Committee meeting in Dusseldorf , Germany , European manufacturers blocked a Japanese move to get their 1125-line MUSE system accepted as a world standard .
27 A total of seven political parties contested the general election of October 1989 , but only two obtained representation in the Assembly , the Botswana Democratic Party winning 31 of the directly elected seats and the Botswana National Front three .
28 A total of six political parties contested the general election of February 1988 , in which the President 's Socialist Party of Senegal ( Parti socialiste sénégalais — PS ) obtained 103 of the 120 seats in the Assembly , the remainder being won by the principal opposition party , the Democratic Party of Senegal ( Parti démocratique sénégalais — PDS ) [ see p. 35812 ] .
29 A total of six political parties contested the general election of February 1988 [ see p. 35812 ] , in which the PS gained 71.3 per cent of the vote and 103 seats in the National Assembly and the PDS 24.7 per cent of the vote and the remaining 17 seats .
30 Between them , the three main political parties spent a small fortune on this election .
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