Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [vb past] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The wide , dry eyes followed them from the kitchen as they took their leave .
2 A white dog with torn ears followed him into the room .
3 One of the undulating shapes detached itself from the wall and advanced towards the shining executioner as though blind to its danger .
4 In any event , a few particularly strident voices denounced me over the agreement .
5 Our nervous Iraqi guards kept us inside the small bungalow that was ‘ home ’ for the 12 of us .
6 Mangen and Castel relate an appalling tale of how the circumstances in which the French asylums found themselves in the Second World War prompted experiment with alternatives .
7 The trials of his childhood and teenage years turned him into the perfect Prince , but they did not alter his fundamental nature .
8 Further attempts at fostering were not tried , and the residential workers saw themselves as the main people in Michael 's life .
9 I joined the others with great anticipation , of , possibly , hot coffee , French bread , maybe fried eggs awaited us in the barn .
10 She began walking towards the depression , as four suited figures followed her from the ship , still arguing about the paperwork .
11 Some hours later , I do n't know how many , two abysmal and free-hanging abseils deposited us below the fangs of the bergschrund .
12 The Scottish Jacobites withdrew themselves from the Scottish Convention which met on 14 March 1689 , and as a result the settlement north of the border was worked out predominantly by Whigs .
13 Here these Cornish sappers dedicated themselves to the work they knew best , digging defensive trenches and building parapets as well as blowing up houses blocking the range of the gunnery .
14 One can easily understand the ferocity with which the more creative British filmmakers positioned themselves against the new development .
15 In my teens , similar doubts lured me into the darker recesses of the family 's medical encyclopedia , there to discover I was Britain 's first recorded case of Futtock 's Syndrome .
16 We had climbed together a couple of weeks before at Goat Crag , where I was once again reminded how suited Fanshawe is to upward progress ; a powerful frame and seemingly hydraulic legs brought him to the crag aeons before I arrived .
17 Nietzsche was not present , but whereas the premiere of Tristan in 1865 had not prompted any discernible reaction in him , on this occasion he took a much livelier interest and during the following months familiarized himself with the work through the score .
18 Now , returning across the Hungerford Bridge , those same thoughts came to haunt him a little as the overhead lights stained everything to the colour of dull old parchment .
19 And it was n't until the end of the Second World War that the tiny trees made it to the west .
20 A few easy moves brought him to the sanctuary of the belay ledge .
21 Warwickshire unsurprisingly lost to Notts in their first four-day game but Smith 's five first-innings wickets kept them in the game until the final day .
22 The school seemed cold and it was certainly dark for the main windows faced north and tall buildings surrounded it on the other three sides .
23 The fact is that men and women of that day inhabited separate worlds ; their social rounds and domestic activities kept them in the society of their own sex much of the time .
24 Two quick steps took her to the vacated table where she seized the bottle of aquavit , neatly topping up both glasses .
25 Young 's lifetime passion for the large molluscs led him from the squid to the octopus .
26 Two vaguely serpentine exters detached themselves from the group .
27 Towering mossy oaks led her to the edge of the wood , and soon she could smell the smoke of a fire , and sense the open field ahead .
28 Elaine scrambled to recover her bikini and fell over , laughing as the relentless waves pulled her under the water , time and time again .
29 I spent most of my childhood holidays chasing our tent along the tops of cliffs in the middle of the night as gale-force winds carried it towards the sea .
30 Three powerful strokes brought her to the rail where she went straight into an underwater turn and headed down the pool .
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