Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [adv] [vb past] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Agricultural institutions also began to play a major role in applying biological theory to the problems of agriculture .
2 Working-class political parties also came to serve a useful integrative function for monopoly capital .
3 Slim spires still soared to support the ebon umbrella shields .
4 Exotic substances owed part of their prestige to their mere difference from ones available in the home environment , but even more to the fact that obtaining them from a distance might and in civilized societies normally did reflect the exercise of power .
5 Medieval travellers usually had to pick a way over boggy ground as they came off the hills .
6 Aisha 's annual visits home had sown the seed of travel in my spirit and this seed had grown and opened out and reached my eyes and tongue .
7 Linfield 's shamed opponents yesterday admitted making a 5,000 dollar payment to the Turkish referee before their 2–1 first leg win in Georgia on August 18 .
8 The experimental birds now tended to avoid the viceroys , and the control birds to peck at them ( Table 5.1 ) .
9 The curriculum in secondary schools also began to take a predictable shape , mathematics , English , RE and PE for all plus a ‘ choice ’ from six option columns .
10 Such conscientious couples even tried to share the child bearing as far as possible .
11 It should be stressed again , however , that although a specialized function might well exist , many small towns ultimately came to possess a range of functions , not least those which were most conveniently placed to exploit their full urban potential .
12 Right-wing military rebels also vowed to overthrow the government , and continued their bombing campaign .
13 The removal of many married women from wage labour , the innovations such as the Education Act of 1870 , and ideological forces also tended to rigidify the gender divisions .
14 Having massively increased in numbers and importance since 1939 , the armed services quickly came to fill the vacuum which existed in the political system as the United States strove to find its post-war role in world politics .
15 Assorted pundits and government ministers have in recent times deliberately tried to create the impression that reducing interest rates is the main , or even the only , way to haul the British economy out of recession .
16 Over a hundred other organizations also came to oppose the plan , including trade unions , environmental groups and parish councils .
17 Syrian forces immediately began dismantling the " Green Line " separating Moslem west and Christian east Beirut .
18 FORMER Soviet republics yesterday agreed to join a unified team for the Olympic Games in Barcelona this summer .
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