Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [be] given [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For the first time local Labour parties were given some sense of common identity , which had been lacking on the political wing since the disaffiliation of the ILP .
2 English Estates was given increased funds for extending its workshop programme , and a simpler government grant system was introduced : the three existing grants have been replaced by a single ‘ city grant ’ with simpler application procedures .
3 The underlying cultural patterns anthropologists seek means the implications offered by changing historical circumstances are given insufficient attention .
4 There is some pattern in that commercial matters are given greater freedom , while issues pertaining to the military are subject to greater control .
5 Three German nationals were given suspended sentences by a court in Bochum , Germany , on Sept. 21 for illegally exporting rocket engine parts to Iraq .
6 Social workers were given specific help in identifying their function to find ways to keep old people at home who might otherwise have gone into a residential home .
7 Will social factors be given equal weight with medical factors when determining such claims ?
8 Others say unless social services are given higher priority , they 're in danger of becoming a lottery .
9 in common with many others , also notes the problems when public enterprises are given unbridled autonomy to ‘ ride the waves of the market ’ in conditions of market imperfection and monopoly power .
10 15.37 ( i ) Pupils working towards level 6 should be encouraged to work in a wider range of situations in which their individual contributions are given greater emphasis .
11 Within this context we must also be aware of the changing effects of these family and kinship relations on the actual construction of sexed individuals , that is individuals whose biological differences and personal proclivities are given cultural meaning .
12 Under authority from the Washington State Department of Fisheries , individual fishermen are given exclusive rights to harvest shrimps from particular beaches — so whoever was creating the pits , and taking the shrimps , was doing so unlawfully .
13 Some of the early prints were given additional colour by the artist and his friends .
14 Good tips are fine , but only when the more serious issues are given due attention .
15 Had the man who wrote the foreword been at No. 10 in those days he would doubtless have seen to it that this cricketer who displayed such honourable patriotism and high personal standards was given some decoration or other .
16 But as the policy of giving a great deal of attention to politicians had become established , complaints were inevitable : certain individual politicians were given more publicity than others , which led to jealousy .
17 Regrettably for the Palace , Alan found it difficult to adjust to 2nd and then 3rd Division football , where his undoubted skills were given short shrift by our opponents and , although he always gave of his best , he was equally always a heavily marked man .
18 Secured creditors are given some protection : no proposal or modification that affects their rights to enforce security can be approved unless they concur .
19 Utilities supplying large cities were given six years to meet the standards by taking chemical action to reduce the acidity of their water , which should cut the amount of lead leached from the pipes .
20 National minorities were given particular cause for grievance by the High Command 's disregard for their sensibilities , epitomized by the wholesale deportation of Jews from the Polish provinces .
21 The problem in designing an optimal search strategy is both how to combine scores across paths representing different levels of description ( derived from the component knowledge sources ) , and how to combine scores across time ( during the extension of a path ) , such that promising paths are given higher priority .
22 In this roadside check , drivers with one or two suspect tyres were given fourteen days to get them into shape .
23 We have set up , for the first time , powerful co-ordinating machinery within Whitehall to ensure that environmental considerations are given due weight in all decision-making .
24 Participants stressed the necessity for a ceasefire to be observed from Oct. 21 by the forces of the NPFL and the other rebel group , the United Liberation Movement for Democracy ( ULIMO ) ; the two warring factions were given 15 days from the declaration of the ceasefire to implement all the terms of the Yamoussoukro IV peace accord [ see p. 38518 ] .
25 After the First World War some Kerries were exported to France to help repopulate areas which had been decimated by war and the small black cattle were given prime grazing in orchard meadows near the River Somme ; within nine months they looked like beef animals !
26 It is quite clear from these contrasting analyses of underachievement , employability and disruption , that the differential experiences of black girls are given minimal attention .
27 The most brilliant stars were given individual names , most of which are Arabic ( though a few are Greek : one example is Sirius in the Great Dog , the brightest star in the sky ) .
28 A strategy is to be drawn up so environmental issues are given equal priority , and to ensure the council 's response is consistent .
29 Black pupils are given more attention by teachers only in terms of discipline and punishment .
30 But as Belgian employees are given extensive rights after being with a company for 12 months , many employers prefer to employ a high number of temporary staff , which may include foreigners .
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