Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [be] [verb] this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless volcanic bombs were hurled this distance compared with a mere 25 miles from the more publicized Krakatoa eruption .
2 The new bridge , designed by W.H. Barlow , was of wrought-iron lattice girder construction , like the old , but proper scientific calculations were made this time to allow for lateral wind pressure — the first time scientific studies of such stresses were made — and the new Tay Bridge , still the longest railway bridge in Britain at just over 2 miles , has stood solid for 100 years , linking Dundee with Fife .
3 However , it has been pointed out by Dr. B. Leadbeater , that great care must be taken before these formulae are used to determine the efficiency of dilution for abatement of odour nuisance , for in order to achieve concentrations below the threshold detection levels some odorants would need diluting by a factor in order of 6,000 , so unless very high chimneys are contemplated this method only provides a limited answer .
4 Suppose — I reflected that evening — Stendhal , Lamartine , Poe , Jane Austen , Sir Walter Scott , De Quincey , Wordsworth , Coleridge , Keats , Percy and Mary Shelley , Ann Radcliffe , Leigh Hunt , Mickiewicz , Pushkin , Gogol , Goethe , and a dozen other well-known , forgettable writers were making this journey .
5 Reverting to that basic unit proportion which for convenience is 500mm ( 19¾in ) , the outer eyelets are positioned this distance from the central eyelets and over the cross-spar in all cases .
6 But large fortunes were made this way .
7 The larger the electorate and the greater the number of candidates on a list , the less likely voters are to have this knowledge , and the converse is obviously true .
8 About 20 major bills are promised this session .
9 Has she seen the great efforts being made this year to obtain private inward investment into southern Africa in the form of conferences and other initiatives ?
10 The distinctive characteristic of these writers was their belief in progress : the belief , in particular , that the system of international relations that had given rise to the First World War was capable of being transformed into a fundamentally more peaceful and just world order ; that under the impact of the awakening of democracy , the growth of the ‘ international mind ’ , the development of the League of Nations , the good works of men of peace or the enlightenment spread by their own teachings , it was in fact being transformed ; and that their responsibility as students of international relations was to assist this march of progress to overcome the ignorance , the prejudices , the ill-will , and the sinister interests that stood in its way .
11 In Court Number One at Winchester Crown Court , legal arguments were continuing this afternoon which will determine the date and form of that trial .
12 But he said figures showed that international traffickers were targeting this country as never before , and ‘ it 's simply a question of time ’ before that fed through to the streets .
13 Very few black sportsmen are afforded this facility by their parents .
14 He said , ‘ Nowadays all the heavy voices are singing this role ; it 's all gone out of control .
15 Those putting the case for the former , point to its relative speed , although where large and complicated matters are involved this advantage may be lost .
16 Although a trend for an increased survival time in patients with diploid tumours was found this difference was not significant .
17 Perhaps if a few of our political masters were to read this book , and learn from it , they would recognise the dangers inherent in gambling with our children 's future for ideological gain .
18 The immediate plans are to use this workshop as a centre in which to train craftworkers .
19 Russia 's first radio station for Orthodox believers was inaugurated this week .
20 Since strictly military affairs are involved this time , the eyes of the generals were opened , too …
21 New hand-held bags are introduced this season , double handled or single , with or without shoulder straps .
22 All proof , American lawyers were saying this week , that the judicial system in Brooklyn is ‘ as crooked and suspect as the one in Simi Valley , Los Angeles . ’
23 Slightly more cheerful results are expected this week from another construction group , Amec .
24 They are shunted from one set of rails to another ; turn-tables spin them round until they can be run upon any particular line ; by means of capstans and ropes the loaded trucks are warped this way or that ; and tank engines push them hither and thither .
25 The new proposals being validated this spring and summer include an HNC jointly developed by SCOTVEC and CCETSW which contains within it workplace units covered in a placement .
26 The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders believes the Budget changes , including planning changes to company car tax , could result in an extra 70,000 new cars being sold this year .
27 Each year they grow a quarter of a million roses at Nuneham Courtnay … and try out 350 new seedlings … five new varieties were introduced this year .
28 X new members were recruited this way .
29 probably the largest numbers of new members were recruited this way .
30 Most noticeably , young women are making this shift .
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