Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [conj] [adv] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is proposed to extend the car parking facilities with improved amenities and probably a café replacing the old caravan snack bar .
2 5. such work will also help pupils approach the diversity of religious beliefs in an open and non-dogmatic way without succumbing to the relativism which tends to regard different beliefs as just a matter of opinion .
3 Cos they did n't thunk too much beyond rumbles and scavvying and the scarring ceremonies and maybe a squirm together when they got high .
4 Successful conservation may well imply a cutback in commercial crops and therefore a reduction in foreign exchange on which the state elite depends for its imported luxuries , foreign travel and education .
5 The changing patterns of incidence of gastric carcinoma may , in part , be related to changes in smoking habits and perhaps a change in incidence of H pylori infection .
6 As well as finding coins you 'll come across poison apples , extra weapons and even a thing that turns the screen upside down !
7 Taken to extremes , a Bonsai pine , cherry or plum can embrace many more elements than a mere dwarfed tree might at first suggest to the Westerner : antiquity , continuity ( the best examples have been cared for by successive generations ) , and symbolic qualities that only a study of Zen can fully bring home .
8 Furthermore , successive governments have appeared to accept this definition of ethnic relations as largely a question of immigration control .
9 Manson & Co. guitars are n't as cheap as Japanese imports but what you 're getting is one of the classiest handmade acoustics in Britain , fully customised to your requirements with extra inlays or even a pickup , and left-handers do n't cost a bean extra .
10 He sits across the table from Mrs Thatcher and her team , which can be a mixture of people from the Downing Street Private Office , the Policy Unit and the Cabinet Office , with one or two personal advisers and sometimes a Treasury minister .
11 virtually all the early canals and probably a majority of the later ones , were overwhelmingly local in both promotion and finance …
12 There were whoops and cheers , mock kissing attempts , challenges to put names on the masked faces and then a song .
13 The Labour councils sought to use low fares as both a part of their overall planning policies and a means of redistributing income in favour of lower income groups .
14 Rock is n't the art form of the chattering classes and only a minority of its practitioners have any expertise in elucidating a rigorous conceptual rationale for their work .
15 near the church , the mere , a large expanse of water fed by natural springs and formerly a mill pond , is a picturesque area attracting many birds to overwinter , whilst in summer whole families are to be seen feeding the ducks .
16 Opponents of sales see them as reducing a vital social resource built up at the ratepayers ' expense , while proponents see sales to long-standing tenants as almost a recourse to ‘ natural justice ’ , although there are also the political overtones of the desire of Conservative politicians to build up a property-owning base to their vote .
17 A broad constitutional framework is created , with a limited number of mandatory requirements , some optional features and then a range of matters on which the framework operates unless the related contract specifically provides otherwise .
18 Hopeful youngsters clashed with old timers playing out their last few seasons in the reserve leagues , which were as competitive as the first-team games and often a lot tougher .
19 A delicious meal — pasta ( layers of lasagna ) with broccoli and cheese sauce to start , roast meat , salad , then fantastic local neapolitan sausages and then a gateau thing ( on which I ‘ passed ’ ) and fruit and cheese ( on which I also ‘ passed ’ ) .
20 He and Chuck vied to identify the exotic birds they saw : ibis , kingfishers , herons , white pheasants and once a peacock darted frantically across their path .
21 Through the half-open door , into the dry , shrivelling heat of the great , evil-smelling room , there appeared branchlike shapes and then a fall of blood-stained , leaflike hair .
22 In any garden one has to think of the practical as well as the more decorative elements and so a shed and compost area were included .
23 More significantly for the model of an overdeveloped post-colonial state , the development of capitalism in India meant the increasing subjection of the state apparatuses to emerging capitalist classes and therefore a decline in the state 's relative autonomy viz-à-viz indigenous and metropolitan classes .
24 Even those who saw the extension of Moscow 's control over her eastern European neighbours as primarily a response to American expansion objected to the oppressive form of Soviet rule .
25 The yew contains a mixture of poisonous compounds and only a chemist can extract anything good from it so people should n't eat or drink anything connected with the Yew tree .
26 The plan showed a small wood , plenty of mature trees and even a stream running along the edge of the property .
27 Kylie 's wardrobe bulges with skintight dresses , little lurex numbers , sexy catsuits and even a raffia bra from their collection .
28 EVERTON 'S season is in such dire straits that only a magician in the mould of Paul Daniels can rescue them from big trouble now .
29 The clash of ginger on pink as a small skipper butterfly lands on petals of camp ion ; gorse pods popping in the hot sun ; small striped snails creeping out on to the wet path after a cloud burst ; soldier beetles gathered on the white umbels of wild carrot : these sights and sounds I can enjoy at my pottering leisure — whilst the hordes of laden hikers tramp by with stern faces and never a glance to left or right .
30 Winter skin savers come by way of the RoC hypoallergenic skin care products for very dry skins and also a range for oily problem skins .
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