Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [conj] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The system was being increasingly undermined , however , both by the growing numbers of those holding Matai titles and by a reduction in the traditional structures through which the chiefs had exercised authority .
2 As Allan ( 1985 ) points out , contemporary attitudes to divorce are illustrated by the prevailing opinions as to the effect of divorce on children .
3 This data is incorporated in publicizing of the unit and its work ; in articles , meetings with other professional groups and in a display on the wall of the head 's office-cum staffroom where it is often referred to in the course of interviews with parents and pupils .
4 2 FREE Air Miles with every 25 litres of Shell Advanced Fuels or with every litre of Shell Oil .
5 Europia , a group representing 34 European oil companies including BP , Elf and Shell , agreed to be more diligent in avoiding spills and accidental emissions and in the handling of raw materials , the conservation of natural resources and the managing of waste .
6 As the deputation withdrew tactfully to the further end of the great chamber , the queen-dowager conferred with her family , listening to their conflicting views and in the process becoming more undecided than ever .
7 Waldheim continued to be banned from entering the United States because of his alleged participation in the execution and maltreatment of Allied prisoners and in the deportation of Jews .
8 my Lord another factual situation which I 'll simply referred to is the er on going debate in European commission or cases relating to up stream fuel , er , where there 's very little trade , erm for technical reasons because of the isolation of the United Kingdom , however the commission has searched jurisdiction over restricted competition in the market because the fuels have a direct impact upon product , erm from production costs , product down stream of which there is trade
9 These working practices had developed quite informally , and had become ‘ institutionalised ’ in a set of unwritten rules that in the end failed to satisfy anyone completely .
10 For the Kikuyu the success of the struggle for independence in Kenya lay in the combination of Kenyatta 's political activities and in the effectiveness of Mau Mau in eroding settler confidence .
11 Yo was left of centre but not militant ; in the dying moments of the Japanese administration he was invited to form a transitional administration and agreed to do so , on the basis of the release of political prisoners and of no interference with the organisation of workers , peasants , students and youths .
12 However , no doubt mollified both by the President 's dramatic decision on Tuesday to announce the release of eight long-term political prisoners and by the urbanity of his style , the archbishop did note that the talks had proceeded in ‘ a far better atmosphere ’ than previous encounters he has had with the government .
13 Words can be split either according to a set of pre-defined rules or from a table of correct hyphenations but in both cases ensure that English English is being used rather than American .
14 It came about not for economic reasons but as a consequence of complex political processes .
15 The main points were ( i ) a tax of 0.3 per cent on financial transactions ( ITMF ) , in force until 1994 , but not applying to wage cheques , pension payments and popular savings accounts ; ( ii ) to fight tax evasion an instruction to banks to report in specific cases and at the Finance Minister 's request all movements of individuals ' and companies ' accounts ; ( iii ) the simplification of the tax system with the elimination of three social contributions and their replacement by valued added tax ( VAT ) of between 7 and 10 per cent ; ( iv ) the elimination of taxes on manufactured products , fuel sales and additional income , and their replacement by a selective tax ( the rate of which had yet to be specified ) on cars , alcoholic drinks , fuels , electricity and telecommunications ; ( v ) the elimination of the separate collection of taxes by state and municipal governments and another by municipal government , so that all taxes ( except the ITMF ) would be collected by the federal government and shared with the states and municipalities , expected to produce a real increase in their revenues of 9 and 17 per cent respectively ; and ( vi ) a ban on the contracting of fresh debts by the Federal District , states and the municipalities until the year 2000 .
16 I 'd lay odds that the person responsible is an insider , a pretty high-up insider with free access to secret information , such as closely guarded secrets as to the composition of the cargo , the destination and the time of take-off and arrival .
17 For feminists who believe in coalition with other progressive groups and in the power of eloquence to change men 's attitudes , then educational systems , like other institutions , can become the site of struggle in which concerted action might bring about changes in personnel and policies .
18 Now in drama an excessive degree of vested interest in either the technical aspects or in the substance of the subject-matter can upset the balance so that the ‘ game ’ of drama and the necessary spontaneity that goes with it disappear .
19 She signed up for two employment agencies : Solve Your Problems and Knightsbridge Nannies , and worked as a waitress at private parties and as a charlady .
20 He had small shrewd hazel eyes that as a rule missed nothing .
21 They found themselves rubbing shoulders with right-wing MPs , the same who in 1984 organised a million-strong demonstration in support of private schools and for the right of the parents to choose , and who today declare themselves staunch supporters of the state secular education system .
22 When furnished with thread-like branches as in the Apoidea they are termed plumose hairs .
23 High interest rates , themselves necessary to hold spending within non-inflationary bounds because of the liberalisation , may put the process into reverse for a while .
24 Even between technical peers as in a design team there can be difficulties in communication because the models which individuals are using are not identical .
25 But at no point in these years did the Armed Forces take the initiative in resolving political disputes and at no stage was it brought into intrigue by discontented Party factions ( exempting , of course , the First Secretary himself ) .
26 In 1989 the Science Museum , with the British Computer Society , founded the Computer Conservation Society dedicated to the restoration and preservation of historic computers and to the capture of operational know-how of computing machines .
27 This is a code of conduct for directors of listed companies requiring them not to deal in their own company 's shares on short-term considerations or at a time when they are in possession of unpublished price-sensitive information .
28 This can be doing running down actions for existing private clients or as an adjunct to one of their other areas of litigation .
29 People will pay first in higher mortgages , lost jobs and diminished economic opportunities because of the uncertainty caused by the opt-out clause on the single currency .
30 The notices give general information on particular aspects of the tax , while leaflets provide more specialised guidance for specific trades or on the liability of certain supplies .
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