Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [verb] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The academy had become little more than a rubber stamp for huge prestigious projects drawn up by the industrial ministries .
2 Walking through Ricky 's woods , Daisy noticed ruby-red sticky buds thrusting out on the chestnuts , although many of the trees still clung on to their shrivelled brown leaves .
3 Heavy metal cretins , evil aliens , pan-global pop celebs and long-lost spaceships drifting forever in the airless void of deep space — yep , those ELDORADO plotlines are finally picking up .
4 Aunt Lilian sent me accounts of local political meetings cut out from the Gazette , and her own analyses of the Labour Government 's foreign policy .
5 The resultant pseudo-scientific arguments will then concern themselves with the meaningless question as to whether the fauna of the intervening strata pertain more to the stage below or to the stage above .
6 Suddenly , blood sacrifice and small armed groups rising up against the state seemed worthy of three cheers .
7 Struggling into yet another of the brief garments bought for her by Ross — her trembling fingers fumbling awkwardly with the small scraps of material — Laura dearly wished that she had the courage to chicken out of the whole affair .
8 Throughout much of urban Spain the lower-middle class , whilst larger than is sometimes suggested , was engaged in relatively small-scale economic activities involving little in the way of enterprise : family-based manufacturing , localized commerce , a primitive service sector , and not least important the buying , selling and leasing of land — a major middle-class preoccupation since the disentailment of the Church 's landed property in the mid-nineteenth century .
9 Coloured lights strung between low pylons bounce about amongst the palm trees .
10 The frequency of political discussions rose sharply between the pre-campaign week and the final campaign , but then it continued to rise steadily throughout the campaign to peak at the very end .
11 She frequently sat up in the wee sma' hours staring out of the window .
12 The uncertainty surrounding the future of London 's specialty care services continues despite the publication this week of 6 reviews by working groups set up by the London Implementation Group after publication of the UK Department of Health 's response to the Tomlinson report on London 's health services .
13 The US government also vetoed a plan to have the reports of the working groups reviewed jointly by the US National Academy of Sciences ( NAS ) and Canada 's Royal Academy of Sciences .
14 The answers to these questions are discovered from the diagram ( given certain simple diagrammatic transformations carried out by the system , which are structurally analogous to changes that would happen in the real world ) , rather than being computed in terms of abstract mathematical equations and specific numerical values .
15 The process of generating the CSF begins with three-year or five-year regional plans drawn up by the individual member states which are then presented to the Commission .
16 A row of yellow , baleful eyes looked down from the darkness among the rafters .
17 By instinct rather than design he found himself at Saint Winifred 's altar , and kneeled to approach her , his creaky knees settling gingerly on the lowest step of her elevated place .
18 There was deposition in large alluvial fans stretching out from the mountains in the south and the north-east into the flat plain .
19 She saw his hands relax , and the broad shoulders lean back in the chair .
20 The SSL holds a core collection of material covering scientific and technical aspects backed up by the National Library 's other relevant collections such as official publications , legislation , and popular science items .
21 The sight of the European Community 's civilised , like-minded nations bickering on about the pros and cons of more joint government , with ethnic war on their doorstep and a great deal to achieve across a newly opened continent , would seem absurd to any visiting Gulliver .
22 And with St E 's wholesome regard for strong melodies evidenced again by the next single ‘ Speedwell ’ can this really only be a one-night stand ?
23 Every now and then , one of the tall waves thundering in from the open ocean carries within it a dark sinister presence .
24 The constancy of the aggregate parameters rests either on the assumption that individual wealth shares are constant or on the assumption that all investors perceive the same expected returns and variance covariance matrix of returns and exhibit the same degree of absolute risk aversion .
25 Research into general aspects of the perception of spatial relationships began long before the special problems presented by GIS existed , and is exemplified by the classic work of Gould and White ( 1974 ) on ‘ mental maps ’ .
26 She could imagine what he looked like : dark , slightly wavy hair and blue eyes , the right eyes to look out over the miles of sea all around him .
27 The shrill blast of their brazen trumpets echoed triumphantly through the heart of the land .
28 As my hon. Friend the Member for Oldham , West said , by the end of the decade , they will unilaterally have slashed £12 billion from the value of SERPS , transferring funds paid in by all of us for the future into private funds run solely for the benefit of the few .
29 But they 've got the bloody labels mixed up by the look of it .
30 Charles 's territories could already have been described as an empire , in the sense that he ruled over a collection of different political units held together by the allegiance his subjects felt they owed him rather than through a sense of common institutions or common language which could serve as the foundation for a unifying national spirit .
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