Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [verb] [pron] at the " in BNC.

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1 Cecil has not won the 2,000 Guineas since Wollow scored in 1976 , but Pursuit of Love is a genuine contender and it will take a convincing performance from either Forest Tiger or Dr Devious in today 's Craven Stakes to displace him at the head of Ladbrokes ' market — and other firms could well follow suit .
2 A policewoman with long experience in dealing with sexual abuse did express the opinion that policemen can sometimes be more effective than women in encouraging very young male victims to talk about their experiences : and this policewoman was in favour of male colleagues joining her at the RUC 's specialist sexual abuse unit .
3 Nor was hegemony an inevitable or universal phenomenon , and conscious efforts to combat it at the ideological level were a necessary part of the socialist project .
4 A spectacular display of exotic and native creatures awaits you at The Living World , where according to season , fascinating living exhibits include giant silkmoths , tropical butterflies , praying mantids , tarantulas , bees , marine and fresh water aquaria and much more .
5 It accuses " particular producer groups " of " manipulating domestic environmental policies to benefit themselves at the expense of both the rest of the economy and ultimately even the environment " .
6 Liam wondered why there were such long faces to greet him at the shop .
7 The fact that the Prime Minister of Great Britain had twice flown to Germany to intercede with him , and on the third occasion had hurried across Europe with the heads of the French and Italian Governments to meet him at the shortest possible notice , constituted a personal triumph for Hitler .
8 Do you know if she has any other young men courting her at the moment ? ’
9 The man came back from the bank in a van and the other men stopped it at the gate and grabbed the money . ’
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