Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [verb] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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61 These were ( i ) the abolition of the draconian National Security Law relating to sedition and espionage ; ( ii ) admission of a North Korean " consolation " delegation to visit three South Korean dissidents imprisoned under the National Security Law for having made unauthorized visits to the North ; and ( iii ) the authorization of South Korean dissidents to attend a pro-unification rally due to be held in Panmunjom on Aug. 15 , the anniversary of Korean liberation from Japanese colonial rule .
62 This included fifteen actual vintage aircraft , thirty rebuilt trainers for use by the American film unit , another 21 rebuilt trainers used in the Japanese produced scenes , and thirty P–40 mock-ups for targets .
63 Finally , specific short-term shortages arose in the early 1970s , the most important being the 1972 crop failures ( when grain output was down 3 per cent on the previous year , against a trend growth rate of 3 per cent a year ) .
64 The dual division of ecclesiastical power has also been important because the religious orders have often been the vehicle for innovative theologies differing from the Roman line .
65 This all reflects the important part that political organizations played in the Edwardian era , for when politicians needed means of communication and organization in a time of crisis it was to the parties rather than to the state that they turned for the machinery and the expertise ; it was not to be the same in 1939 , with consequent effects on the state of the local parties by 1945 .
66 Wordsworth 's accent frequently struck Southern ears as harsh : even though suburban gentility had not yet forced all regional speakers to conform to the colourless vowel-sounds of the Home Counties if they wished to be socially acceptable , and even though Coleridge , like Sir Walter Raleigh before him , spoke broad Devon all his life without being taken for a peasant , it is clear that Wordsworth 's accent did contribute to a general impression of roughness .
67 The National Republic Convention ( NRC ) , the more right-wing of the two political parties created by the military government in 1990 , won 16 of the 30 state governorships and gained control of the assemblies in 13 states ; its opponent , the Social Democratic Party ( SDP ) won control of 16 assemblies , including those in three states — Lagos , Katsina and Cross River — where the NRC won the gubernatorial poll .
68 ‘ In European countries , it took the working class years and years before they fully realized the fact that they formed a distinct and , under existing conditions , a permanent class of modern society ; and it took years again until this class-consciousness led them to form themselves into a distinct political party , independent of , and opposed to , all the old political parties formed by the various sections of the ruling classes .
69 The SNP suggests that membership should be divided proportionally among the political parties according to the 1992 election result .
70 It was a long bus-ride to reach those low huts standing behind the high fence .
71 Russians made repeated attempts to break through the encircling enemy — only and always to be driven back by the murderous fire of Francois 's 1st Corps , which barred the line of retreat along the route by which they had earlier advanced .
72 McKechnie lists specifically food , drink , sex , attractive clothing ; labour-saving machines and mechanical transport ; holidays and leisure activities ; so called ‘ high ’ culture — music , art , literature , etc. — and so called ‘ pop ’ culture — in which he includes the singing of old Tin Pan Alley songs , such as ‘ Show Me the Way to Go Home ’ , in public houses run by the big breweries .
73 The third or opisthognathous condition occurs in the Homoptera , where the head is directed backwards so that the specialized mouthparts arise between the anterior legs .
74 When the sick and exhausted Armenians reached Beirut after the Ottoman collapse , they were allowed to build shacks on the swamps of Bourj Hammoud in the east of the city and then to erect houses which look to this day curiously Balkan , their wooden balconies hanging over the narrow streets of Camp Marash .
75 The fancy taste for ornaments and trinkets displayed by these peculiar birds appealed to the Victorian dilettante .
76 Carl N. Degler , using evidence from women of the urban middle class in America ( the class to which Acton 's work was directed ) , together with a survey of married women 's sexual attitudes begun in the 1890s by Dr C. D. Mosher , argues that it was more an ideology seeking to be established than the prevalent view or practice of even middle-class women .
77 ( ii ) Can different rules lead to the same function ?
78 Among those noting Xu 's habit of using just one board ( ingredients are so fresh and so quickly prepared that food poisoning is not considered a threat ) is Keith Mitchell , team captain of the British chefs competing at the culinary Olympics in Frankfurt next year , and head chef at the Grand Hotel , Eastbourne , East Sussex .
79 But this was no more than the beginning ; for by now they knew very well that there were French knights fighting with the Scottish companies , and in fair numbers , too , and the south of England had been warned to look to its defences in case of a direct assault from across the channel .
80 Thus those with good ideas would still keep credit for having them , and researchers would benefit from a source of interesting proposals generated at the front line .
81 Do the different religions believe in the same god in different ways , or do they believe in different gods ?
82 There 's a cluster of old streets in central Sheffield , small terraced houses and the grand old houses built by the industrial bourgeoisie in the nineteenth century , now largely in multi-occupation .
83 Melossi ( 1985 ) discusses how social discourses change with the various stages of what he calls the political business cycle .
84 Then incongruous suburban chimes jangled from the front porch .
85 " Bourgeois culture is a barrier , a luxury , a corruption of man , an instrument of warfare " , he vehemently proclaimed in 1930.12 This negative , retrospective condemnation of the cultural values encoded in the French middle-class schooling of the time should not , however , divert attention from the fact that in 1916–17 the educational system was perceived by the child Nizan as the only available route to personal salvation and success .
86 The detailed notes given in The Supreme Court Practice at paras 20/5 — 8/2 are also pertinent .
87 But actually it does n't tell you anything about the quality of the care which they 're purchasing and the evidence that we are getting increasingly from the community health council is the experience of people of the health service is that actually the quality of the care is getting worse and this is not due to the staff in the health ee the more detailed plans coming to the next meeting of the e the more detailed plans coming to the next meeting of the for an operation er , four years , it should to be said er , she 's been waiting despite the government 's claim that all operations are done within two years er for very severe varicose veins and surprisingly enough she got them because of course most varicose have been removed her , the north-east Thames region erm , and er she turned up on the Wednesday and the operation had been postponed twice previously er , she was er gone through all the er , various tests which took her four hours cos she had to find all the places herself , there was nobody to show her to X-ray and various other places erm she was prepared for the op and then was sent home because there was n't a bed available !
88 But actually it does n't tell you anything about the quality of the care which they 're purchasing and the evidence that we are getting increasingly from the community health council is the experience of people of the health service is that actually the quality of the care is getting worse and this is not due to the staff in the health ee the more detailed plans coming to the next meeting of the e the more detailed plans coming to the next meeting of the for an operation er , four years , it should to be said er , she 's been waiting despite the government 's claim that all operations are done within two years er for very severe varicose veins and surprisingly enough she got them because of course most varicose have been removed her , the north-east Thames region erm , and er she turned up on the Wednesday and the operation had been postponed twice previously er , she was er gone through all the er , various tests which took her four hours cos she had to find all the places herself , there was nobody to show her to X-ray and various other places erm she was prepared for the op and then was sent home because there was n't a bed available !
89 I do n't think we should hold up this one because of it , er so I would like to see the more detailed plans coming to the next meeting of the area committee er , so that residents can comment on this .
90 For non-photosynthesizers , the premium is therefore on an increasing range and flexibility of adaptive behaviour , on developing sense organs that can detect food or predator at a distance and motor skills to move towards the desired — or away from the desiring .
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